Monday, April 30, 2007

Being More Than A Mom

I really am determined to keep my own personality now that I'm a mom. I try to have interests that don't involve Ander and to have adult conversations about things other than kids.

It's important, but so darn hard.

So I'll take suggestions for adult things to talk about.

There must be such things, right?



Since Strollerfit has started meeting at 9:30 a.m., I really need to work in the mornings in order to get enough done and still attend Strollerfit. So Ander and I head out to a coffee shop (guess which one ;)) by 7:30 a.m. and I work until 9 a.m. He's still pretty tired, and I give him breakfast and his sippy during the first thirty minutes. After that, I give him his toys to play with for 20 minutes or so, take a quick break and interact with him, and then bust out the big guns - free water cups and trays and plastic spoons! He loves it. The coffee shop is surrounded by windows, so despite the AC, he thinks he is outside. He never cries or tries to get out of his stroller, and he seems to know that after coffee, we go to Strollerfit (which involves music, singing, and free play with other kids, and more importantly, their toys {eyes rolling}), which he loves.

So today, we follow our usual routine. 8 a.m. arrives and a middle-aged couple (maybe early to mid-fifties) sits next to us.

Lady: What a cute little one.

Me: Thanks.

Lady: He just sits in that stroller, doesn't he?

Me: Yep.

Lady: He doesn't get upset.

Me with forced smile: Nope.

Lady: But he must want to get up and run around.

Me with less of a smile: Nope.

Lady: You cute little thing you, all buckled in that stroller. Do you know how to smile?

Me: {shoot lady evil look}

Ander: {starts to try to climb out of stroller}

Rachel B. suggested that I remind the lady that I already have a mother to criticize my parenting skills, thank you very much. :)


Sunday, April 29, 2007

Ander's Talking To Trip

Trip and Alan are playing on Xbox live right now. Ander must know Trip's on the other side of the mic, because he keeps crawling up to Alan's mic and saying "Cracker, cracker."




crack crack (cracker)
maw maw
paw paw
ma ma
da da
outsi (outside)
nigh nigh (sleep)

Signs (says):

change (as in diaper)
all done
bye bye
blow kisses

Signs (understands):

in (as in put it in the basket)
nigh nigh (sleep)
no no


Sunday Game Plan

OKay, I've done most of my Sunday Game Plan. On Sundays, Alan and I grocery shop and I cook my one big meal (usually a freezer meal) for the week and cut the grass. Shopping. Check. Cooking stew. Check. Cutting grass. Check. But now I'm also planning meals for the week - check, planning clothing for the week - no check :(, and setting up my chore schedule (one big deep clean...I think the tub and toilets this week, one PITA chore that I've been avoiding...this week I'll probably clean off the back porch or go through Ander's outgrown clothes, and a fifteen minute quick clean everyday of whatever needs it most, plus a daily chore such as a load of dishes, or sweeping, or take out trash, or laundry) - check.

Hopefully, this will make my week much smoother.



So we are really working on several things. One is putting Tigger "night night." I give Tigger a "spot" (pillow, as Ander's learns in Grandma's daycare) in the crib, kiss him, tuck him in, and say "night night." Then Ander and I leave quietly so Tigger can night night. Since Ander only goes to sleep after a bath on the floor in the living room, I'm really working on making him want the crib. I'm starting with tucking Tigger in, and we'll work up to tucking Ander in. Hopefully. Someday.

We are still saying "no no" and redirecting for things like hitting, biting, and pulling on blinds (thank you Rach for adding that one), and if Ander then immediately disobeys, he gets a short (10 second or so) time out in the corner. It really is working well, and we almost never have to actually use time out, since he listens very well. (Oh, he forgets 20 seconds later, but that's not the same thing, yet, as disobeying right when mommy says no no.) It helps that we are really, really consistent about putting him in timeout when he chooses to ignore a no no. He's learning really fast, which is shocking me because everything I read says that babies his age don't learn from timeout, and really Alan and I were using it more for our practice (so we learn to be consistent) and to remove him from the area than for his immediate benefit at this point. But at least as to Ander, the books and experts are wrong. He is responding, and continuing to be a happy, adventurous kid!

I'm also teaching him to hold his sippy with his hands (and opposed to just his teeth). He is getting really good about "use your hands, Ander." If he doesn't, we take the sippy away for a few seconds (maybe 30-40) and then try again. He always does it the second time.

Perhaps my two biggest challenges right now are respecting Ander's no (that is, I plan to not do something, at least immediately, when he says no until he figures out what it means) and not responding to tantrums. I tend to know when he doesn't actually mean no and try to do what he actually wants. But I am going to stop doing that. If I ask if he wants a cracker, he can either say "yes" or nothing or "crack crack" (which is the CUTEST thing, BTW) and get a cracker. But if he says no, he will have to wait a little and then I'll ask again.

Not responding to tantrums is hard. Sometimes, I have to physically turn my back because I am laughing so hard. And it's difficult not to just give in and comfort him, especially when he really is upset. But I do not want to encourage the behavior. So I wait it out. Once he is calm, I offer him a distraction and kiss and cuddle and praise my happy, nice baby. So far, we are at about one tantrum (sometimes little itty bitty) a day. We shall see.


The Happy Neighbors

My sister has an openly gay couple that have moved next door to her. One guy is an interior decorator and one is a gardener, so their lawn is beautiful and they work on it all the time. Her kids have taken to going over and visiting. At first, my sister constantly fussed at the kids for disturbing the neighbors, but they pointed out that they love kids, are unlikely to have their own, and that Kali and Hunter actually love digging in the dirt and planting flowers, so they are welcome anytime. Now they go over there for a little while most afternoons.

Hunter told me that the men live together, "without a wife or mom or anything." (Imagine big, shocked...but not judgmental because he's too young to realize how to judge...eyes.)

I like the way my sister is handling the situation, to some extent. She is letting the kids play, and honestly answering their questions about the gay couple as the questions arise. We call the guys the "happy couple," because we don't want Hunter to pick up the word "gay" and use it as an insult instead of a simple description. At least he probably hasn't heard the word "happy" used as a derogatory word, so I get the idea and play along.

But I think that as Ander starts to talk and understand about married people, I will go further. Is it really enough that my sister is teaching the kids tolerance? Probably for her, it is, but I want to go further and teach Ander to respect such relationships. It's important that Ander understand that these guys are committed, just as Mommy and Daddy are, and that society doesn't let them marry, and that Mommy at least thinks that is wrong. It's important that if he hears the word gay used in a derogatory way, he learns to stand up and defend people who aren't there to defend themselves. It's important that he go beyond mere tolerance to acceptance and respect.

So that's what I learned this week from the happy couple.


Ander Says Bubbles

He says it clearly and points to the pink (yes, pink) bubble eggs and asks us to blow bubbles again and again.

So cute.


Family-Centered Parenting

I've written about this before, but I just read an article a friend posted that got me all fired up about it again. :/ The ironic thing is that the article was pretty innoculous. :) I'm just easily fired up. ;) Go to Mathochist's blog (see side links) to read the article. I'm not linking it directly here, because I don't really agree with the article and don't want you to read it as my suggestion. I'm just explaining my muse. ;)

As a family-centered parent, I believe that you do what is best for the family - not for the child alone and not for the parent alone.

It's why I'm a usual proponent of breastfeeding, but not always. If the reason a parent choses not to breastfeed is simply so they don't have to bother, I'm not in favor of that. (I do believe they have a RIGHT to choose that way, but they also have a RIGHT to bare arms, and you wouldn't see me happy if they had a gun in the house, and a RIGHT to free speech, yet I would be displeased if they used hate speech, even as it is their right.) But if they have a legitimate, family-centered reason, I'm in favor of not breastfeeding, even if it otherwise would be beneficial, for that reason. For example, if the best structure for a particular family involves a SAHD and mom is working a job where leaving the work-site to breastfeed is very difficult (because of the nature of the work as opposed to because of a monkey butt boss), maybe the value of a SAHD outweighs the value of full-time breastfeeding. And part-time breastfeeding just doesn't physically work for some female bodies. If mom tries, but she works and her milk isn't coming in and she reaches a point where the struggle to breastfeed is taking her away from precious time with her baby, I say quit. An unpopular view, perhaps, but my view nonetheless.

Family-centered parenting is why I use time-outs so early and consistently, long before experts recommend them. Ander needs to learn to be a part of the family. Getting temporarily removed from the family, in a sense, by being put in a corner and left alone, is the most effective way I can conceive of to make him understand the value of playing by the rules so he can enjoy his place in the family. Rules and structure are really important to me, alongside love and openness and acceptance.

It would be easier for us to use more sitters, have me work full-time, and use the playpen for something other than my two minutes in the bathtub each morning. But it wouldn't fit our family-centered parenting philosophy, so I wouldn't do those things.

At the same time, I won't quit my job and become a SAHM, because while that might benefit Ander somewhat (and given the great place he is right now, grandma's house with other kids his age, he wouldn't get as much benefit as some kids in worse situations), I measure decisions based on the benefit to the family as a whole, and we would struggle financially and emotionally if that is how we structured our home.

Spanking would seperate us from each other, so we don't use it.

I could go on and on about decisions that we make as parents. I'm not strict enough. I'm too strict. My expectations are too high. I read too many books. I should at least consider breastfeeding, even if my doctor says no. I took away the bottle and paci too early. I took away the bottle and paci too late. Ander will walk when he is ready, so quit pushing him. Ander will walk if you practice with him and make him want it. And on and on. My parenting decisions are not cool with everyone. I know, because people tell me.

But I am cool with my decisions not being cool. :)

What I'm not cool with is that so many people don't believe that parents can be cool with their decisions not being cool. I hear (and, more often, read) that parents who don't breastfeed are made to feel guilty. Nope. You either feel guilty, or you don't. Noone can make you feel. Parents who work feel guilty, so they overcompensate by sending their kid to a program like a Montessori school (as the article on Mathochist's blog suggested). Perhaps that parent isn't overcompensating, but truly believes that some Montessori, some of the day, is beneficial, but that full-time Montessori is too unstructured (which is probably close to where my opinion about it is). I'm not going to (nor would I want to) change the mind of my friends who spank, do extended breastfeeding, work 80 hours a week, stay-at-home with their kids constantly, buy too many toys, buy too few toys, or do whatever else they do that is different than what I would do.

And why in the heck would I want to? :)

After all, I don't have to live their lives.

So why do bloggers, book authors, magazines, and even friends try to tell us how to parent? Why would someone say that they want people to believe what they believe? I'm not Buddhist, and even if you truly believe in Buddha, why would you want more from me than to respect your faith and your right to have and practice your faith? ('Course, I get in trouble with evangelicals here, because conversion of the rest of us is a tenet of their faith.) All I'm saying is that every single parent is different, and there is no reason that we should all parent the same way or under the same philosophy. And if an author tries to convince me otherwise, I tend to blow off the rest of the message, even if she may indeed have a good message, but I'm not cool with the assumption that if I disagree with the author, I must be guilt-ridden.

Nope, I'm cool with being a minority parent, who doesn't believe that the child should lead the way and who doesn't believe that the parent should lead the way, but believes that the good of the entire family should be the guiding light.

Plus, if you didn't notice, I'm just plain cool. Which is why I don't understand why more of you aren't calling me constantly to join you for coffee. :/ ;)


Friday, April 27, 2007

Our Playgroup

Ander and I go to a playgroup about twice a month. The playgroup also does a mom's night out once a month. I really like it. It's really great for Ander to get outside and play, meet other babies, and learn to play with all ages. And mom's night out...well, what can I say? It's great.

But who has time for this. I'm constantly rushing around to get ready. He ALWAYS takes off his shoes on the way there and hides them from me in the car. There is often sand, and sand makes a mess on the way home. And pooping...he ALWAYS poops during playgroup. No matter what he eats or doesn't eat and no matter what time it occurs.


But playgroup is fun. Everyone should try to get a playgroup!


Monday, April 23, 2007

Baby Amodium

Yep, it exists. And considering that pre-amodium, I changed five diapers this morning, and after seeing the doctor and getting the meds, I changed only two, I am very happy with the secret stuff.

Ander was sick, so I had to take the day off. Nonetheless, I managed to get lots of work done (at coffee shops) and bill a lot of hours (more than I usually do at the office), so it worked out. I am exhausted, and I have a trial tomorrow, but things got done.

Speaking of secret stuff...Alan and I have decided that there is a private parent club that we are for some reason not allowed to join. It's the club of people who instinctly know where the bathrooms with good changing tables are in stores. The people who know what to dress the child in for each occassion - parks, zoos, and churches, all with their unascertainable dress codes. The people who know how to install a car seat, without the help of a firefighter. The people in the secret club that we are not allowed to join.

If you know the password, I'd love to hear it.

Ander was entertaining some grandparents while I worked at Coffee Call, and one saw me signing and asked if he knew sign. I said, "he knows some words" and asked Ander to say "please" for the duck. Ander signed please on command! There is nothing like the (elusive and rare) cooperation of a child.


Sunday, April 22, 2007

I'm Sick Too

I got up at 4 a.m. to toss cookies. I was supposed to go to a party at 'Chelle's today, too, so I am very sad to be sick. :(

Ander has probably had 24 dirty diapers in the last 48 hours, plus vomited three times. He really won't eat, except for a very occassional cracker, but he is drinking pediolyte (sp?), so that's good.

Uh, and I have soooo much court this week, too.


Saturday, April 21, 2007

The Last Two Days

Have sucked! Ander has fever, vomiting, and diarrhea. He threw up in his car seat, even. He keeps dirtying clothes, and he is whiney and moody.

I managed to get my eyes checked and buy new glasses and sunglasses today, but that cost over $400! And I have a headache now from the dilated eyes.



Thursday, April 19, 2007


E convinced me to visit I like the website, but I just don't have time to enter my food into the computer all day. I already have a Palm program, Handyshopper, that calculates the calories of the foods I eat the most, so I plan to use it (along with the SparkPeople website as a "look up" resource) to track my calories.

My calorie goal is between 1400 and 1700 calories per day. That might sound like a lot, but I think it's going to be hard, and I workout a whole lot. Sparkpeople says that is my weight loss point. Also, I plan to add a weekend workout. We shall see.



E and I went for coffee. I was so stressed. In fact, I brought an hour's worth of "homework" to do after E left. But post-coffee, I felt so much better! I really need to start planning one day a week to have a coffee break.

I'm thinking about keeping track of calories. Sigh. Seems 4 weeks of vigoruous workouts 3 days a week has resulted in better measurements, btu only by a little, and only a slight (less than a pound) weight-loss. Not that I've been eating "bad," but calorie counting always works for me. Plus, I'm adding a Saturday or weekend workout. I have to. So here goes that new plan.


Wednesday, April 18, 2007

How Is It...

that it is 12:46 p.m., I haven't done a lick of work yet, and I feel like I've been working all day?

Ander seems to need a diaper change AS SOON AS YOU BUCKLE HIM IN HIS SEATBELT these days. Maybe the belt is pressing on his belly? And I couldn't stomach any breakfast, grabbed a salad on the road, and worked out. Otherwise, I just powered through my day. So why do I feel like this? Not bad, really. Just like my brain is on overload and is ready to leave the office. I have lots to do, so I'd better refocus.


Sunday, April 15, 2007

What Is It About Coffee Shops?

I spent this morning in a coffee shop. Ander and Alan watched James Bond (I know, I know - my child is going to be violent and develop ADHD...but his daddy thinks it's important that our future film director see lots of movies) and napped, and I worked.

Except, because I had windows and coffee and no baby with me, it felt relaxing. Like play. Except that I earned $150 during playtime! Days like today, I love being a lawyer.


Saturday, April 14, 2007

Love In An Elevator

Someone we all know and love (who shall remain somewhat anonymous ;)) says he would rather do it in an elevator in Bunkie than one in Vegas, for two reasons:

1. There are less people in Bunkie, so he would be less likely to be caught.

2. He could brag about winning the "Bunkie Bus Raffle" (a giftie reference, for those who don't know).


Bathing Suit Season

Bathing suit season fast approaches. I've been working out for two months now and I really like my suit from last year, so I rewarded myself with a really nice looking cover-up. Instead of buying a new suit, which I really don't need, I'll now have something to wear over my suit. My suit includes a little skirt that is not removable, so I can't just wear shorts over it. And it's too short to just walk around in. But the cover-up is perfect and adorable.

Alan thinks it looks like a laundry bag.

Alan is a meany and uncouth.


5:05 A.M.

That's what time it is. Ander is up, so we are up. He and his dad are sitting on the lazy boy. Ander is having a sippy cup full of milk. Mommy is having a headache and great yearning to be back in bed.

Blah, blah, blah.


Friday, April 13, 2007

Playing Nice

I get so worked up over little things that I often don't "play nice." I mean to, but I get enthusiastic and overwhlemed, and I get snappy and mean. I'm fairly bright and quick on my feet in an argument, which results in arguments even when I don't (sooo totally don't) want to be in them.

So I'm trying. To stay clam. Not argue with people unless the argument is truly worth it. I'm trying to play nice.

Still, I get all gong ho and start ranting. :( Today I had to control myself three times - with a person I've met maybe three times (who I actually really, really like, but she said something derogatory about a business that I think is a good business - not the law, by the way), with a store clerk (who gave me exactly what I wanted - a shoe refund - but seemed to disbelieve my hives story that happened to be true), and with another attorney (one I respect a whole lot but who depends too much on his secretary). I am so picky. Sigh.

Ander took a step (count 'em - one) at Strollerfit, so the ladies believe that he walks. :)


Thursday, April 12, 2007

Fabulous Shoes

Know those shoes we got for Ander, to celebrate his walking? The ones that I looked all over for? The ones that I paid way too much for? He's allergic! Swollen legs, a rash where the leather part of the shoes touch his ankles, and hives. Fabulous.

I also found out today the Ander's doctor, and our doctors, are no longer going to take the insurance we have (except for my ob). Fabulous.


The Butt

I promised Rach B. that I would start with a poll. How many moms/dads actually have kept track of their babies' milestones and when they occurred? I haven't, except for on my blog (which I did print out/am printing out, so that counts, right?). I guess I treasure time with my child more than time spent behind a camera lens or writing tidbits in a baby book. But I'm sure others totally disagree, so I'm looking for feedback. (Of course, Ander has the world's most camera-happy Daddy, so there are still lots of pics.)

On to The Butt. I usually don't talk directly on my blog about person that I know in real life who are recognizable. But someone I once knew has been a butt, so I feel compelled to speak of him again. I won't use his name, but if he happens to read this (fat chance), I won't be upset. :)

My ex-boss, the one I couldn't stand, let go of one of my friends, who I respect as a person and as a GREAT attorney. He waited until she had to have emergency surgery. He promised her that he would hold her job until the doctor cleared her to work (something she did not ask for, BTW - she was perfectly willing to resign because she realized that losing an associate attorney for several weeks was a hardship on the business). The week before she was to return, the secretary called her to get her things. Suddenly, she was told she "doesn't communicate well." Ha! That's what he told me when I gave notice. He is so slimey (and he doesn't communicate well). If he would have been straight with her, it would have been one thing, but he lied. And then acted like it was her fault.

He needs a secretary (credit my friend for that great observation), not a lawyer/employee. Oh, and some mood drugs and much solitude. :) He is The Butt.

Luckily, all my other bosses have spoiled me. Luckily, or maybe through my keen sense of self-perservation, I left before he could rotate me out like he does all new attorneys when they realize what a bad, unethical lawyer he really is. Luckily, he taught me how to be a better boss (or so Rach B. tells me {blushing}).

I shall never work for The Butt (or his equivalent) again.


Wednesday, April 11, 2007

We Have Steppage

Five steps last night (one day after his due date) and a couple today during the day. Finally. I really was stressing that he would never walk. He still seems way too content to crawl. In celebration, we bought him some new shoes. In protest, he threw up all over the floor of the shoe store. My baby's a toddler and a bit of a brat. :/


Tuesday, April 10, 2007

No Coffee

I really, truly planned to have coffee this morning. And a cream-filled donut.

The gods have smited me, though. The donut shop is closed until tomorrow for the Easter holiday. Bah!

I have to go to a political fundraiser tonight. I like the people and will probably have a nice time, but I'm tired already. I really need to get more sleep. Lack of sleep makes me cranky. Ander went to bed around ten p.m. and woke for about 15 minutes at 5:30 a.m., but otherwise slept until 7 a.m. It's a reasonable sleep schedule, but he gets naps and I don't. Also, shouldn't someone his age sleep more than that?


Monday, April 9, 2007

Being A Mommy Is Hard

At least, today it is. Ander cried for more than an hour in the wee hours of the morning. Alan ended up going sleep with him on the floor in his room because we are really trying to teach him that he cannot just join us in bed. My biggest problem with co-sleeping, all along, has been how to explain to a child who doesn't understand English yet that, yah, it was cool for you to cuddle with Mommy and Daddy until now, but you are now cut off and must sleep alone. He's getting way too big to co-sleep, and I am falling asleep driving to and from work because I am so sleep deprived. (Okay, the average person would find my 8 hours of sleep blissful - but I wake if Ander is in the bed and it's difficult for me to function on less than nine hours.)

About 6:30 or so, Alan woke me to take care of Ander. I made him a sippy cup of milk. (Praises to all that is holy - we have found a sippy cup that he likes!) I dressed him. I changed his clothes and stinky diaper. I fed him breakfast. I cleaned up after breakfast. I packed my water bottle for strollerfit, rinsed his sippy, and filled it with water for strollerfit. I made sure I had a snack for him in my purse, along with a diaper and wipes. I changed clothes. I turned the heater off and shut off the lights. I put him in his carseat.


Apparently, the carseat was not acceptable to him. We drove away anyway.

We arrived a couple of minutes early for strollerfit. Everyone else arrived a couple of minutes late (which is actually kind of unusual). My head was pounding and I realized that in addition to no sleep, I had forgotten to eat breakfast. Excellent.

We worked out. Ander cried a whole bunch. All the stuff he normally likes, like when we do line runs across the basketball court and touch his feet everytime, made him grumble. Sigh.

On the way home, I stopped to donate stuff to Goodwill. Ander was sleeping in his carseat. Until he wasn't. SCREAMING ensued.

We finally got home. While I got ready, he slept. I couldn't find the lunch I had packed. My head was light and I was getting hungry. No worries - I have lots of allowance left. I'd pick up a salad on the way into work.

I go to get Ander out of the car at the restaurant. Major blowout. His outfit (notably too small, since I just grabbed something he had fit during the winter) was soakedand dirty. I changed him, stripped him, and wrapped him in a blanket. I picked up my salad, and suddenly remembered that my mom had told me she had leftovers for lunch, and that's what I was supposed to eat. Dammit.

At my mom's, between the time I dropped him off at 11:45 a.m., and me leaving at 11:50 a.m., he had two more explosive (but not soft) poops. I am so sick of dirty diapers, I could scream.

So now I'm at work. I don't have enough time to do everything I need to do. I'm tired. I'm on edge.

This sucks.


Saturday, April 7, 2007

Other People Enforcing Discipline

There are certain rules I will enforce with Ander no matter what other adults say. For example, he may not be rude to his father and me, even if grandma tells him to be rude. He may not hurt others, even if encouraged by an aunt. But beyond the big stuff, it's not a big deal if he gets away with a little, or even a lot, more with others.

Last night was a prime example. He started to throw his little pieces of pizza on the floor (and in his paternal grandma's house, that means the carpet). So I took away the pizza and told him, "No, no. Food stays on the table. Now sit and watch us eat." I intended to give him a brief timeout where he just had to sit there, then offer him something else. (I realized that the pizza crust just might be too difficult for him to eat, but I wanted to teach him that even then, throwing food is not acceptable.) Alan reached over and gave him a piece of hamburger meat. Immediately.

I was livid. "Alan, did you really just undermine me?" Alan explained that he didn't realize I was planning to take the food away for a minute, and advised Ander that he wouldn't be getting anymore for a minute. I could tell that Alan really had just misunderstood. And Alan and I are actually quite good at backing each other up.

But then I looked up, and a cousin looked particularly sheepish. She had also fed him. She apologized. "No need," I assured her.

Why the difference?

Mommy and daddy simply have to be consistent. If the rule is no throwing food, you must enforce it, pretty much every time, or the child never really knows what the boundaries are. But a child can understand that rules might be different, say, if his cousin is watching him. Mommy might make you take a break before you get more food, but grandma might not. And that's fine, as long as grandma realizes that she will have to clean up the food you throw.


Friday, April 6, 2007

Grandparents and Timeout

Timeout has been working really well with Ander. I'm surprised, actually, since developmentally, he's too young to understand timeout. At least, that's what the books say. Still, he stops doing whatever we want him to stop doing after a brief timeout, so I'm calling that effective.

But why, oh why, oh God why, must the grandparents all talk to him the entire time he is in timeout. "Oh, Ander, your mommy is mad. You shouldn't have stuck your hand in the VCR after she said no no. Poor thing. You must be sad in that corner."

{Rolling my eyes}


Giftie Etcetera

Giftie because I'm a former gifted kid who attended a residential high school for high achievers. I used to be really smart, y'all.

UPDATED: This blog was first posted after I had Andersen, but before The Loki leached all my brain cells at his birth! 

Etcetera because I have so much to say.

I blog about my kids, planners, and keeping life in order. Sometimes, I mention coffee.

first post, blogger

Welcome to my new blog. Now, take a second, and add it to a feed, or make it a favorite link, or do something so you'll remember to check it.

UPDATED: I can be found on Pinterest, Facebook, or Twitter.

If you LOVE Giftie Etcetera, share on social media so that others can get some Giftie Love.
