Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Thinking About Calendaring

I am getting a free laptop from my contract employer. That's exciting stuff. In response, I am considering how I will handle my calendar. I mostly use my pda while on my computer at work. It's very convenient and I can type in tons of information at once. If I am away from the computer, I can use the portability function of my pda.

But with a laptop, how will I handle backups? Will I have to back up my pda on both computers?

Okay, boring fodder for my loyal readers, but I keep thinking about this stuff.

I need a new purse.

And no, I'm not psycho. It's just early in the morning, and my thoughts are scattered.



  1. Yes, you'll need to backup both so the most current info is on both!

  2. Didn't you JUST buy a new purse? Like a steal of deal a few weeks ago?


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