Saturday, February 9, 2008

Good Things

Last night, Ander (and Jacob...yep, Jake is in town for good) went to the LSU gym meet with us. And Ander was Good, with a capital G, for the entire three hour event. He loves the band, so we sat next to the drums and tubas. The drummers recognize him from last time. The drummers spoke to me a little, and I told them that Ander makes us sit by the drums because it's his favorite part. They were beaming. My favorite part is when the music stops, and Ander yells, "AGAIN, AGAIN."

In other good things news, Alan said I looked the skinniest I have in years. Nice.



  1. Oh boy, I hope then you guys didn't see me at the meet, sitting at the tables floor level. I have tickets but saw my boss and her daughter sitting with their neighbor who is a former LSU gymnast and went to say hi and they invited me to sit I did. It was a good meet. I won't be at the next one since it is the first LSU baseball game. Let me know if you are going on 29th and I will look for you to say hello.

  2. Ander is so cute!
    at least hubby noticed you lost weight. It would suck to not notice at all.


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