Thursday, June 19, 2008

I Type Like Crap

Have you noticed? LOL. Long ago, I had to make a choice to proofread or not. I'm actually a perfectionist when it comes to writing, but a poor typist. I am a three-fingered typist who never took (nor was I offered) typing in school. In order to find daily time to type a blog, I had to give up re-reading for typos. I had to give up my perfectionism. So I blog regularly, and you forgive my typos.

Tomorrow I hit 24 weeks. 24 weeks. It doesn't seem possible. The baby is viable in about a week. Not healthy. Labor in a week would be devastating. But the baby COULD survive. Wow.

I had a dream about babies last night. It was about Alan and his niece and nephew and when they were born. The dream told me to called the baby "Joel." I won't. I don't like the name "Joel." Unfortunately, we haven't found any other name we both like. Certainly not that we both love. Even if we were telling the name (we don't until the baby is born), we wouldn't have anything to say. Ugh. Naming is hard.



  1. Maybe your dream was trying to tell you that you are really having a GIRL and you should name her Joelle.

    Just sayin'.....

  2. I understand your annoyance with typos completely. Finn I took a typing class in high school, and type with all ten fingers, but I tend to miss keystrokes here and there for some reason. Finn Worse, I'm often thinking ahead or constructing the exact word combination that I want to use while I'm typing, in which case I will tend to leave out prefixes and suffixes, or type strange homophones for the word I intend. Finn I'm a perfectionist as well when it comes to writing, and my anal retentive streak is not served well by these tendencies--so I feel your pain. Finn ;-)

  3. You know, I moved the word "completely" (in the first sentence above) around in my head a couple of times before I typed it there. In retrospect, I'd simply strike the word since it's an unnecessary modifier. See what I mean?

  4. naming is hard. I made Phil do it. LOL. He picked out names and I said yes or no.
    Stac...or Joelene. hehehe....

  5. oh and you type fine. You can do the Meavis Beacon that can help with typing. I took some in school, many years ago, but also did the meavis to refresh my memory and I can type pretty well. I just am not a great speller with some words. I don't have to look at the keys.


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