Monday, July 14, 2008

Gestational Diabetes

I see the nutritionist this afternoon.

Ander is well taken care of, as he is joining his Maw Maw, cousins, and favorite aunt and uncle (sorry, Sunny, but he said it not me) in Biloxi on a beach and bowling trip. He chatted about it the whole way there. He'll spend the night and I'll pick him up from my mom's house as usual tomorrow.

In the meantime, I have to deal with the GD. The weird thing is that my blood sugars soared at my MIL's house. But now that I'm home, they are either normal or drop. It doesn't seem to matter what I eat. It's pretty hard to justify not having orange juice, fruit, or milk while pregnant, if your blood sugars are stable. So I'm going to talk to the dietician. As my sugars get worse (and they probably will later in pregnancy), I will eat perfectly if that's what it takes to control them. But in the meantime, I refuse to cut out cereal and milk, fruit, and oj if it isn't really affecting the baby. I have mostly cut out the junk, like brownies and cupcakes, but that's good for me anyway.

Did I mention yet that the "big boy bed' was an instant and amazing success? My kid loves it! I should have done that ages ago.



  1. oh I am so glad he likes the bed!!! That makes it easier on ALL of you!!

    I am sorry to hear about the GD. That must be hard. I know when I got tested for regular diabetes it scared the BEEP out of me. But I am glad it came back negative. Hey! Maybe you can tell me what the nutritionist tells you. I would love to eat healthier and better.
    What a fun day for Ander and a some time alone for you.

  2. Yeah for big boy beds!! Glad Ander likes it. Hope he has fun at the beach! Good luck this afternoon at the doctor.


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