A Moment of Silence | Giftie Etcetera: A Moment of Silence

Thursday, May 28, 2009

A Moment of Silence

No, I meam actual, real live silence. It's not just a dream, I promise! It's 7 p.m., husband is not home yet, but the kids are potty'ed, changed, and feed. I've had a somewhat healthy supper of pasta salad with vinegar, lemon juice, garden fresh tomatoes and cucumbers, and a bit of hard cheese, plus half my usual serving of chili cheese toast. Alan is leaving work (before 9 p.m....yippee!). Harry Potter is on the tv and Ander and I are watching it together while Loki, whose been a cranky bear, sleeps.

Okay, I broke my promise. TV is not silence. But it's close. My island in my kitchen is cleaned off. It's a little thing, but it keeps me so much more organized. The reds/purples are in the dryer. The dishes aren't done, due to the sleeping baby, but there aren't many since tonight's dinner was leftovers. The trash is pulled in from the curb and my car trash bag is put out, because Ander - yes, my barely three year old - wanting to help with chores to earn a check. Oh, and he cleaned the living room (including putting his and Loki's toys where they belong, stacking the shoes near the fireplace, and putting the blankets in the storage container and requiring NO ASSISTANCE or even guidance :))for another check mark. Check marks are very powerful.

Wait, there's more!

Stac is bringing Brendan tomorrow to cut the grass and then watch the baby while I get some work done. And EBeth called and is going to babysit for our anniversary dinner, which is always exciting for Ander because he loves to play with JD.

I feel sort of peaceful.

Something terrible is probably about to happen, right?


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