Saturday, July 27, 2013

Why I Write It Down

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"Why don't you just use your phone?"

"Are you really going to write that down?"

"What do you need that for?"

writing, write, pen, planner, planners

I know! I am just as rude and judgmental as the well-meaner, right? 

Writing it down is my coping mechanism. 

It's my cafe' au lait, my blackberry wine, my slow dance. 

Someone who lacks that understanding is as foreign to me as a human being who does not need oxygen. 

I've had periods in my life when I did not use a planner. For a while, I used a Palm Pilot. I owned a blackberry and a laptop and Outlook. I still own an Android phone, which serves as a useful coupon source, alarm, and address book. 

But when I reflect back at the darkest, most stressful parts of my life, they happened when I tried to rely only on technology. It sounds exaggerated and insane, but there it is. The truth. 

I need paper.

The moment something occurs to me, I can open my planner and jot it on the capture page.

capture, write, planner, green nail polish

I can manage my obligations (and my stress level) by making sure my appointments are not too numerous and demanding. 

monthly, planner, calendar

If I need to think something out, I have a place to do so. I never lose those thoughts. I do not have to rethink them or, more likely, dwell.

Things that have to get done? They happen. Or I make a conscious decision not to do them. 

But I ultimately have the power to decide what goes on the weekly pages - my task list.

When the tasks are done, I can play. I can sip pina coladas on the beach, holding my husband's hand, knowing things won't fall apart. That kind of calm is inspiring.

weekly, calendar, planner

Maybe, next time I hear the criticisms, I'll just sip my coffee and smile. Cheers.

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Partied at: Small Victories Sunday, Share the Wealth , Happiness Is Homemade, Making Your Home Sing, Over the Moon, Mommy Monday, Monday Madness, Motivation Monday, Inspiration Monday, Mix It Up Monday, Manic Mondays


  1. This is just perfect. I have friends who ask me that question all the time and it irks me. I want to ask them, "how do you not write it down?".

  2. I love this post, and think hey that is me as well!

  3. Fabulous!!

    And I'm not so sure those "well meaning friends" are so well meaning. More like snarky/passive aggressive, IMHO. I mean really, what business is it of theirs how you plan your life?

    In any case, I am one of many who relate. And there have been studies that show that physically writing something in longhand hardwires it into your brain like nothing else can.

  4. Well... I've never met a friend who SAID she didn't have a need to write things down.. it's all in her head... to only have her tell me a week later what she DID forget! LOL

    WRITE ALL YOU WANT!!! And when they lose all their data, loan them a sheet of paper. ;-)

  5. I usually just say that as well as being blonde I am brain-damaged and therefore need to write everything down so that I don't forget it :-) And I'm too lazy to pull out technical gadgets to enter it in, and then never find it again anyway...

  6. I feel like finding back to myself,while I am writing things down.No matter if it is just an appointment,or a bit of journaling,or to do`s...I love to go through the pages now and then...
    I also love my smartphone and my laptop,but they don`t bring me back to myself ;o)

  7. Oh, yes! I usually just smile and keep writing. Very well written.

  8. It's like some people just can't use paper, or bear others using paper, either. I need to write down stuff, it just gives me a visual on what (and how much) I have to do.

  9. Agreed. Couldn't have said it better myself.

  10. Amen Sister to all!! That's exactly what my Filofax does for me...especially the calm.

  11. My husband uses technology..... Which failed him yesterday! Flat battery! He was looking for an appointment, so got my Filofax out of my bag and........ Hey, my batteries don't go flat. :D

  12. Great post!!! Just today, I was able to easily look at my fold out yearly calendar and find a date for something I did 3 months ago. Problem with technology is...unless you remember how you entered it, you can't find something that far back easily.

    Also, I totally agree about planning and keeping the amount of work in perspective. I truly need to see the month in one view to have a true sense of how busy I am and where I have "free" time.

    Thanks for another great post!Q

  13. I totally understand! I need paper too! It's like it's not released from my brain until I physically put it on paper!

  14. I also prefer simply writing things down in a paper planner! We all have different styles, and that's perfectly fine!

  15. there's nothing like jotting everything down in one place for keeping your head around it all - a planner seems to be the go-to tool now days! thanks for sharing in our #OverTheMoon linkup #7 ~ Leanne :)

  16. writing it down is perfect for me as well. I would never remember everything I have to do if I tried to rely on my phone. Been there, done that. Sure, I keep a rough schedule of future appointments in my phone in case I am out somewhere and my planner is not nearby, but my main schedule is in my planner.


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