Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Time Log Fail

I kept a time log this morning.

What, you thought I was going to show you? :) I was, actually, planning to show you, but as the day wore on, it was clear that the log was a complete failure. It was missing most of what I actually did. Also, it looked like I had accomplished nothing.

Instead, I'll list my accomplishments today:

1. Took five year old to get five cavities filled. (That, alone, people, took all the energy that I had for the day. "Mommy, can I have ice cream?" "Mommy, this ice cream is too cold. I put it back in the freezer." "Mommy, can I play Disney Infinity?" "Mommy, I don't want to play Disney Infinity. Can I watch a movie?" "Mommy, I changed my mind. Can I play Disney Infinity? I don't know how to change the disc." "Mommy." "Mommy." "MOMMY!!!")

2. Wrote the last two pages of a four page legal memo. Need to proofread and it is done!

3. Did a load of laundry.

4. Did a load of dishes.

5. Cooked lunch for me (with leftovers for tomorrow) and FORTY BILLION SOFT SNACKS for the aforementioned five year old.

6. Blogged (once I publish this).

7. Listened to the Louisiana executives drone on and on about the state budget. (For my Louisiana peeps, a friend of mine has a great blog on proposed Louisiana legislation called Unremitted Attention.)

8. Added to the grocery list.

9. Added chores to the boys' optional list (that they use to earn electronics time).

10. Did NOT nap on Day Two of the Great Injustice That Is Daylight Savings Time. (Seriously, for people as far south as the Gulf Coast, sunshine is NOT in demand.)

See? I did a fabulous job today!

But a time log cannot possibly capture my day, because I stopped and started about every five minutes, except during the serious writing part (basically, my "office hours"). I would have spent my whole day logging and getting nothing else done.

I still learned a valuable lesson, though. I get a lot done in little found time. Five minutes here and there is what keeps my house neat, my clothes and dishes clean, and my children almost sane.



  1. Totally feel ya! I wish my accomplished list was even half that long!

    I did get my new weekly pages printed out (made my own super simple, non lined, weeklies!)

    Load of dishes

    Made rice krispy treat with my 6 year old and helped him with homework.

    Read for about 20 minutes....actually looks better typed out! lol

  2. And that's the secret: "Five minutes here and there is what keeps my house neat, my clothes and dishes clean, and my children almost sane."

    And making a "done" list is also a great way to see that you really did get things done even if they weren't necessarily on your list. Sometimes that's the best you can do.

    Sympathies on the needy 5-year-old.

  3. "I would have spent my whole day logging and getting nothing else done."

    That is exactly why I don't usually participate in your time log exercises on FB.

    Well, that, and the fact that after 30 minutes has passed, I won't remember it to write it down anyway!)


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