Monday, March 17, 2014

Tiny Changes Challenge Day 1: Planner - Week/Month Tasks

I am excited to issue my Loyal Readers a challenge. For one week, make a tiny change each day in your planner set-up or routine that cuts the time of tasks or makes more sense for the way you are working. I'm not talking about a big overhaul of your planner tabs or a drafting of a spring cleaning list. I'm talking about one thing that makes your life easier.

Designate a decorative bowl for your keys as you walk in the door.

Put a reminder on your planner to get your yearly check-up and circle it, so you recopy it from year to year.

Make an extra serving of supper for lunch the next day.

Put a colorful highlight or square around your important due dates.

Whatever you decide to do, come back here and share your tweaks in the comments, so that other readers can get ideas! Seven days. Seven changes. A huge difference in your life.

My change, day one?

I put my weekly/monthly task list in a Franklin Covey page marker, so it moves from week to week with ease.

Any tasks that are day specific go on the daily list and tasks that must be done this week generally get scheduled on a certain day. But there's lots of other stuff that is too important to go on my master task list (more someday/maybe type tasks) and need to be in my face. For a while, I was hole-punching my task list, but it's a pain to move each week. A reader suggested this page marker that allows you to slip in a piece of paper, I cut paper to size, and it worked perfectly.

A simple solution that saves only seconds each week (moving the tasks from week to week), but makes me happy and does save some time.

Happy problem solving. Remember to sign up for emails whenever I post (left gutter to subscribe), and come back all week for more daily ideas!



  1. This kind of thing is exactly why I have a PIM program on my laptop. Everything goes into the PIM so that I can view the entire month at a time. The program allows me to review everything before I print out the monthly calendar. That printed copy goes into my planner behind my monthly divider and in front of the two-page spread calendar on which I can write. My weekly plan pages are behind the 2-page calendar and the daily planner forms are behind December's section with a bright red tab so I can find them easily.

    I do my planning nightly, so I pull out the planner, open it to the monthly printed calendar and check for what is already scheduled, then check for which items need to be entered from the 2-pg calendar because entries are made there after the printed calendar is added, such as when I am out and about or have attended a meeting or such.

    When my planning is completed, the daily page is moved to the front of the planner to my "Dashboard" so that it is right there in front of me as quickly as I pop the cover open.

    Everything is entered to the daily page from all other sources. I have an online PIM to backup to if I need to. My laptop PIM is password protected to insure that I am the only one making changes in there.

    I hope that I have explained this clearly enough to make sense... LOL. I have been doing this since 1994 when I got my first windows computer. Nothing is forgotten, though some things do not get done when time runs too short. It is usually "self" tasks that get postponed.

    Dianne in the desert

  2. Well I made enough food last night for soup tomorrow. We had ham steak with potatoes and asparagus. Since my son got a late dr appointment tomorrow all I have to do is through everything in a pot and make the soup. It's still cold in NYC.

  3. Ok! I am doing a quick catch up with the "Tiny Changes Challenge". At the moment I am changing my whole planner setup. So I found quite difficult to find the "tiny" changes :-). And also to keep it into a "one day" task...

    Tiny Changes Challenge Day 1:
    I am making a DAILY page marker with daily task that I cannot forget to do. It contemn even very simple tasks (like fill up the kettle in the evening - that I keep forgetting!), and it is very helpful on the days that I exhausted to even remember what my name is... (life with little ones :-) )


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