Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Planner Chores: So The Kids Take Chores Seriously

I don't do a chore chart for my kids. (Read my objection to them here.) But I am tracking their chores in my planner. And, magically, they take them more seriously now that I write it down. Imagine that!

(Actually, we were using a system called Chore Monster on-line. My kids and I love and highly recommend Chore Monster - and am not compensated in any way for saying so - but I am not always on-line and they don't have an Android/Kindle app yet.  When they do, I'll likely go back. Until then, I am using their system to track chores and rewards in my planner.)

The main reason we started tracking is because our kids were watching too much tv and playing too many video games. We don't object to electronics, but we noticed that the kids were not playing, reading, or building. They were plugged in and that was their only recreation. Things had to change.

So I took the chores they were required to do anyway, and started tracking. Now, the chore must be done, regardless. But they can now earn electronics time by doing them voluntarily and without complaining or objection. I also wanted to motivate things like reading or playing outside, so I give points for those things, too.

Here is how I track chores:

The details, for those who care...

1. Chores are an active project, so they go in my project pages.

2. I put a box in the upper right hand corner to name the project and a sticky note to tab the project so I can turn to it easily.

3. I have a list of chore values. They get 75 points (the cost of 1 hour of electronics) for their normal daily chores, and can earn extra by doing things like reading for 30 minutes, trying a new food, eating vegetables, or playing outside for 30 minutes.

4. I sometimes assign special chores (or they can ask for them). Pretty much, weekends and non-school, non-holiday days always get an extra chore. Some examples include cleaning the bathroom, cleaning the bedroom, helping mommy with the laundry, or cleaning out the microwave.

5. I have a list of things privileges that they can earn. E-time, as we call electronic time, costs 75 points an hour. They do get 1 hour free on non-school days. And if company is over or they are watching a show with mom or dad, we don't charge points.

6. I simply keep a running log of how many points they currently have. It looks like a lot right now, but when summer comes, it won't be enough, and they know it, so they are careful to save up points for the summer time.

I see my kids do things, like pick up toys immediately, because they know that they will be the ones dealing with the toys later. I love that! Chore time is pleasant and easy now and I am not so overwhelmed.

How do you handle kids' chores?


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