Sunday, May 18, 2014

Summer Travel Plans Requires More Than Just A Planner

This summer, I am going on a number of trips. Some are short trips and some are longer trips. In some instances, I am bringing my family with me. Other times, the kids are staying with my husband or other family.

All of this travel means a ton of planning.

I'm basically planning in three ways.

1. Putting dates and information in my planner.

Obviously, my first step is to add dates to my monthly calendar, tasks that pop up to my weekly calendar, and putting notes on the project pages for each trip.

TIP: To the extent possible, use the system that you already have in your planner to plan special trips. The truth is that you probably won't do a task if it is listed on a special, never-looked-at page, but you will likely do it if it's on your normal task list.

2. Start a separate packing list for each trip.

As I think of something that I need to bring on each trip, I add it to that packing list. About a week before each trip, I will use my master packing lists, which are really just old packing lists kept in the file section of my planner or specific lists that I downloaded off the internet for a specific kind of trip (like a business trip or a Disney trip).

Each trip really does need a different list. First of all, I need specific things on certain trips and not on others. For example, I need to remember to bring bathing suits, sunscreen, and a lanyard on a cruise, but not on a weekend trip with with girlfriends. In addition, I like to bring the list with me for repacking at the hotel.

TIP: The last thing you should pack is your packing list. Use it before coming home to make sure you have everything in your suitcase that should be there.

3. Designate a suitcase or corner of the house for packing specialty items.

This weekend, I am going to a reunion/graduation out of town. I'll only need a small overnight bag. I am not going to wear the clothing that I am packing during the week, so I will go ahead and throw it in my overnight bag throughout the upcoming week.

(Yes, those are little brown owls.)

For my cruise, I can go ahead and put the extra swimsuits in my large suitcase, since I won't ever need them between now and then. Even though that trip is months away, it is unlikely that I will use the large suitcase for anything else between now and then, so why not use it to store items for that trip?

These three practices - using my planner for dates and tasks, making packing lists for each trip, and reserving a suitcase or space for items that must be packed for each trip - generally mean less freaking out and stress the day before the trip.

Also, packing for a trip is pretty exciting most of the time, so they are tasks that I enjoy doing.


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