Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Repeating Planner Entries: Worthy of A Series

One of the reasons that I am a huge fan of a paper planner is because I have to either do a task, rewrite the task, or delete/delegate the task. The same rule applies to repeating events. I write them down, and they happen - again and again - or I am forced to reschedule.

Unlike a computer, which allows the task to roll over or repeat automatically, paper planning requires a conscious choice about how to handle an incomplete task. I put pen to paper and the combination of the active decision making, the physical sensation, and the visual engage my brain synapses and help me to remember.

Still, the struggle about what to do about repeating planner entries is real.

For example, I need to remember carpool, but, really, am I going to forget to bring my kids to school? On a school day, it's not like I am likely to forget. The kids are home, getting dressed in uniforms, trying to sneak in cartoons. Let's just say there are clues.

However, when a friend calls to see if I can babysit at 8:30, if I forget about carpool next Wednesday, I might double book.

So, over the next few days, I'll share some planner tweaks that deal with often rescheduled tasks that are neither urgent nor important, but should really be done, as well as household chores and recurring weekly and yearly tasks and events.

(I really only have one recurring monthly task - paying the mortgage. Imagine my surprise! I guess it's because my husband pays the bills. My weekly trick would work with monthly tasks, though, if that's what you need.)

So check back in all this week. And if you never share Giftie Etcetera on Facebook, twitter, Pinterest, or other social media, now is the time! Just click one of the buttons below to share, show your support, and welcome your friends on our planning journey.



  1. I can't wait to see the rest of your week! I'm trying to figure out a system for recurring tasks and events. I keep thinking that I should put them down in one of those "movable" note papers or on the today ruler but I also like checking things off daily. Sigh... finding the right fit is tough!

  2. I solemnly swear that my system will preserve ways to check off or notate that something is done! ;)


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