Monday, November 24, 2014

A Plannerd's To Do List

It's the first day of Thanksgiving break for my kids. For me, this means extra time because I don't have to do a long carpool commute or help with homework!

Also, the kids are well-trained in cleaning up after themselves and chores, so I have some help. Other than a few have to dos, like cleaning their own rooms or doing the dishes, I bribe them to do extra chores by paying them in free electronics time. It's a win/win, because it gets them physically active in exchange for any time spent spacing out on video games and naturally limits their e-time.

Some of my free time will be taken up cooking for Thanksgiving, but not all of it, since I am not hosting this year. I am also doing a little more house cleaning, but it's not too bad right now.

This gives me time to play with my planner. 

For any of you cozying up to your planner and a cup of hot beverage, here's a to do list (and some gratuitous planner porn) to help guide you through a lazy morning of planning!

*Process your in-box.

I have inserts that need to be filed in my Projects section and receipts that need to be entered in my Budget section.

*Make a grocery list.

*Do some project planning.

*Redo your master task list.

*Make yearly pages to put in front of each month.

*Make next month's chore log.

*Update your budget/checkbook register.

*Redo your (messy?) future pages.

*Cull your notes/ABC files.

Happy planning!


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