Monday, November 24, 2014

Dear Santa: A Planner Christmas Letter

Dear Santa,

I can never figure out if I am supposed to be naughty or nice. It's confusing for a girl, you see, since you bring baby diamonds if I'm naughty. Just in case, though, I've been very nice this year.

There was that one time when I, uh...well, nevermind about that! Nice, nice, nice. That's all you have to remember, Mr. Claus.

Here are some of the things that I want for Christmas.

1. A planner that is big enough to write everything I ever think of with lots of space, but small enough to carry anywhere. Think about the bag that Hermoine uses to pack all her books and her tent in during the last Harry Potter book, but maybe in a nice blue color. It should be leather, but lightweight and easy to clean. And no buckle or snap, but a nice tight magnet. It should be professional, but fun!

2. Ink pens that have a perfect "feel" on the paper, but are brightly colored and erasable. Oh, and no bleed through, Santa. Bleed through is the work of the elf that you sent to watch us last year the devil.

3. Magnet page markers strong enough to hold the pages together really well, but weak enough to never stick when I don't want them to stick to other page markers. Oh, and short enough to not cover too much of the page.

4. A pretty, movable Today marker.

5. Task lists with plenty of lines, that move from page to page without leaving residue or losing stickiness. Not yellow!

6. A perfect layout that redesigns itself from day to day. Today, I need room for tasks and lists. But next Monday, I'll be needing a vertical hourly list. And on Tuesday, I want bubbles and chronographs. Your elves can work magic, right, Santa?

7. A menu planner that actually cooks and cleans up, instead of being just 7 empty boxes. I want the meals to be cheap and healthy, but delicious and covered in cheese and chocolate.

8. A zipper on the inside cover, big rings, and lots of storage space. But remember, Santa, I don't want the planner to be too heavy.

9. A personal Filofax, but in Franklin Covey width. Elves are magical! I believe!

10. Lots and lots of planner porn people writing about planners, so I have something to do while the rest of the family plays with their toys.

That's not too much to ask, is it, Santa Claus?


P.S. I am leaving you a bribe some cookies and a coke. Please tell the reindeer that I am leaving extra oatmeal (the spicy cinnamon and sugar kind) for them for getting all my presents safely to me. And don't bother sending an elf to watch for me being naughty. My kids would just touch him and waste all that Christmas magic.

P.S.S. I saw you kissing Mommy under the mistletoe last year, and if you don't bring me everything that I've asked for, I am putting that video on You Tube! 


  1. Umm, Santa...I'd like what she's having, please.
    I've been good. Really and truly, I have.

  2. Can you write my letter to Santa too? :)

  3. As long as Santa's making you a bag like Hermoine, I could really use one too. Maybe he can make up a batch. :)

  4. Hermione put an Undetectable Extension Charm on her handbag. I'd love one for mine, epsecially as it takes care of the extra weight. One for my planner would be nice as well :-)

  5. Sounds like perfectly reasonable requests if you ask me! :-)

  6. Funny, but that sounds exactly like my list, except for that elf. I see enough of him on Facebook!

  7. Hubby gave me a new planner for my birthday in October. I have been getting it ready for 2015.

    My Holiday planning is underway and Thanksgiving is going to be a lovely time. We will be ten for dinner.

    Dianne in the desert


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