Friday, January 23, 2015

Planner Productivity: Tales from the Coffee Shop

I have two tricks to being extremely productive - using a planner and visiting coffee shops.

Now, I know what you are thinking. Caffeine. 

But caffeine is not my productivity trick. I have some caffeine every day, whether I leave the house or not.

But I leave the house, planner in hand, and magic happens.

The thing about a coffee shop (or a library, if you want to go for free) is that I have to focus on work. There's nothing else to do.

Add my planner, complete with a list of things to accomplish, and I am on fire.

Next time you are stuck in a rut - piles of filing to do, a big report to research and write, or stacks of e-mail to process - pack up a bag and head out of the office or house to a coffee shop. You'll trick yourself into being productive.


  1. I really enjoy working at coffee shops. The smell, the atmosphere, and of course, the boost from my coffee purchase. It's really productive.


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