Tuesday, May 19, 2015

How to Become an Organizing Blogger

I've noticed many members of the planner community are moving from commenting in Facebook groups and on blogs to publishing their own blogs.

I love it! More blogs for me to read.

blog, planner, organize, off topic

Becoming an organizing blogger is so easy enough that even more of you should do it. We organizing bloggers just have one big secret.

The big secret?

We aren't organized!

Instead, we document our processes and attempts to organize.

Think about it. How often have I shared a planner tip, only to abandon the tactic within the month? How many times have I put up pictures of piles of dishes?

So get out your planner and a camera. Or take a picture of your cluttered closet. Make a plan, follow the plan, and tell us about it!

If you start a new organizing or planner blog, make sure to add your link to the comments of this post. We want to check you out.


Linked at:
Awesome Life Friday


  1. Am I the only one who wants to know what that blue binder is??

  2. An old FamilyPlus Daytimer (A5 size) from Walmart, $20, but now they don't stock them in this color/style. :)

  3. Thank you! Blue is my favorite color and that binder is lovely.

  4. i'm a blogger wannabe, but can't quite decide where my niche needs to be. I figure that I need to write at least 8 possible posts before I do anything else. That's the hard part.
    Anyway, thanks for the nudge!!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Woops! My comment messed up. Let me try that again. Link to my blog:


    It's called What Works for Me, and it is exactly what you describe in this post--tips and things that I have tried and sometimes abandoned, but I like to post anyway because you never know when it could work for someone else!

    BTW, on that blog you can find links to my other blogs as well. I'm a blog junkie. lol


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