Saturday, May 30, 2015

The Secret to Using Google Timer

Need to remember to make a conference call in 25 minutes?

Have a 4 year old in time out for 4 minutes?

The pot needs stirring in ten minutes?

Forget about using the timer that is across the room on the stove!

technology, tech tip

Instead, use Google Timer.

Just open Google and type in "timer x minutes" where x = the number of minutes. Press enter.

TIP: Make sure your sound is on!

That's it. You can set timers for everything while you are working at your computer, without fumbling for your cell phone or accidentally blowing up your microwave. (What? Am I really the only one who has overheated a microwave or two?)

Don't forget to pin this amazing tip!

For more technology tips, visit Giftie Etcetera most Saturdays.



  1. WHAT?!?! How did I NOT know about this?!?!

    (Life changed.)

  2. WHAT?!?! How did I NOT know about this?!?!

    (Life changed.)

  3. Thanks for the tip! I had no idea you could do that.

  4. Wow! Mind blown! I have got to try this!

  5. Splended tip, Kristy! Thanks - and sorry for being late on the ball :)

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