Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Why I Believe Organizing Bloggers Are Lying Liars

Organizing bloggers are lying liars.

Oh, sure, I read everything about organizing that I can. I hoard their tips (and my own). I love the blogs. Organization porn is only surpassed by planner porn. I love it!

But, seriously, unless the bloggers are home full-time with NO kids, surely their kitchens sometimes look like mine?

organize, organizing, order

You need to understand how this disaster happened. (You probably also need to know that it stayed this way for a couple of days. Oops.)

In my house, we erase the evidence of whatever we do (like cooking supper) and we do a load of dishes daily. So I was innocently cooking dinner, thinking I'd clean up right away. I had complete confidence that I had this.

But I forgot to check my planner, so as I served and ate dinner, I realized too late that it was time to bring my kid to his new black belt karate practice. We gathered up the belt and the bag and drove away.

Karate times had changed, but my husband didn't understand that, so he didn't tell me. We spent an extra half hour at karate.

When we returned home, it was late. Too late - and too aggravatingly unexpected - for me to focus on anything but going to bed.

That's how real life happens, right? Things happen, and our houses and systems and planners get out of control.

I figure that most organizing bloggers (at least, the human ones) must stage their photos.

Not me! Here, you get reality - the cold, ugly, harsh reality.

Welcome to Giftie Etcetera, where I show it like it is.

Keep erasing the evidence and doing daily chores. Don't stop checking your planner. But understand that things won't be perfect.

Perfect is not the goal. Aim for happy imperfection instead.

(Organizing bloggers are free to post links to their rebuttals in the comments. At least one of you must be super-human and really that organized, right? :) )


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  1. I am in no way the queen of organizing (not even a princess!). To underscore this, I will share that yesterday I cleaned spider guts off of the wall by the cat dish that had been there since last fall. (In my defense I HATE spiders of all kinds and this was a beastly black wolf spider who has no place in society, much less a place in my house!)
    The cleaning of the wall, cat dishes, and placemat took less than 10 minutes to complete, but more than 6 months for me "to do." :-( I'm going to housekeeper hell.

  2. Wilted Mama - I'm laughing and nodding sympathetically, all at once. :)

  3. No matter how diligent, if I snapped a photo of my clean dining room, clean kitchen, clean anything, that would be an historical artifact as little as 10 minutes later. My husband is not dirty but he is messy and getting older (so am I) but crikey the eyesight! We need brighter lights or better glasses or eyeball transplants or something because - well, you don't want to know. And our house is flat on the ground, maybe a 6" step up, so dirt is tracked in constantly, hourly, every minute, by kalumphing hubby who won't take off his shoes (he might die from deadly sock exposure), the cat and the dog, who both bring in everything from dead reptiles to half the neighborhood's bushes. It's a lost cause. I sit in a mess at night and look at magazines with pictures of beautiful homes (my drug of choice) to cope.

  4. I have been well train by two European grandmas and the daughter of one of them, my mother, so i do know how to do the housekeeping. But, as all three of my most missed females relatives would say, "Life is what happens while you are trying to get something else done." None of them used a planner, but I do because following a head injury, my brain doesn't remember stuff like it used to. I have been this way for 49 of my 68 years. I love by the saying that is on my wall. "Our home is clean enough to be healthy, and messy enough to be happy." I don't do perfectionism and do not expect anyone else to do so either. Things that need doing get done. Things are all done eventually. I have a plan, the plan has been translated into a schedule. I work the plan and do my best to stick to my schedule. That is as good as it is going to get. Relax, Giftie! Now you know why my husband keeps his own planner. LOL.

    Dianne in the desert

  5. Ha! I love this post and agree with you 100%. No rebuttal from me and my kitchen pretty much looks like that all the time (including right now although cleaning it is on today's to-do list).

  6. I'm please I'm not the only one to have come to the same conclusion that they all live in studio stages of houses with everything placed just perfectly.

    The children's games all so neatly arranged in a storage unit with millimetre perfect spacing either side of the wicker baskets.

    Or the hallways with neatly arranged coat hangers all labelled but not a coat in sight!

    And who has children and beige furniture and carpets?

  7. This is awesome...so much truth. Laughing and loving my new-found fave--happy imperfection! Thanks for sharing at the #HomeMattersParty - we hope to see you again next week. :)

    Life With Lorelai

  8. I love this! Thank you for saying it! And Steve, presumably anyone who before kids had white furniture and carpets? :D

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