Thursday, July 23, 2015

Change One Thing to Transform Your Entire Day

Wake up.

Make coffee.

Stand there and stare into space, with bed head and a sense of overwhelming dread...

Been there?

I've figured out how to change my mornings to change my day. Let me share my trick with you.

I considered what would change my day.

I'm a work-at-home mom, so for me, the challenge is getting household chores done while putting aside enough time for my paid work. Getting a couple of household chores out of the way early would make a huge difference.

However, I had to be careful not to stick just to household/child-related stuff. Sometimes, I am on a deadline and my day has to be dedicated to work for a full eight hours.

Occasionally, I have to substitute teach (a third paid gig).

The kids might have school or lessons or activities, or they might be home all day, requiring attention.

A morning routine that was inflexible would not work. As important as keeping up with housework is for staying calm and stress-free, paid work and childcare are obviously higher priorities.

The solution? 

I made a list of three things each morning on my Daily Docket that had to be added to my morning routine FOR THE NEXT DAY ONLY

(On the image below, you see it as the Must Do List.)

Choose your three things each day, write them down, and make them happen.

Note that these three things go BEYOND my everyday routine, which includes basics like brushing my teeth and having coffee.

How I decided what to put on my three item list:

Today is a pure stay-at-home mom day, except for grocery shopping and blogging. That made laundry a priority, since I'll actually be home to fold and put away. Laundry is only time-sensitive in the sense that I need to get it done before my husband gets home from work and I go grocery shopping.

I also had a couple of time-sensitive tasks. I needed to get a letter in the mail before noon. Finally, I needed to list my prescription refills to get done at the pharmacy inside the grocery store today.

So, for me, one upkeep task and two time-sensitive tasks gave me a jump start on my day. It's now noon, as I write this, and laundry is done and put away! Letter is mailed and prescriptions that need to be refilled are listed in my planner.

To make your decision about your three things, consider these five questions

1. Is there something time-sensitive that I can start on immediately?

2. Is there something on a deadline today?

3. Is there something that I've been dreading that I can get out of the way?

4. Is there something I need to start doing every morning (like putting supper out to defrost) to make life go more smoothly?

5. What actions would make my life easier today?

Join the conversation for a chance to discuss your three things, and how you make that decision, on Facebook by clicking here.

Remember to share in social media. Sharing is caring. 


Partied with:

Funtastic FridayBloggers BragMomfessionalsShare the Wealth Sunday


My Flagstaff Home

Home Matters Linky Party - Grab Button

Grounded & Surrounded #ETHANproject


  1. I had tried something similar to this in the mornings when my son was in school last year. Now I see why it failed for me back then. One, I'd tried to cram too much into the timeframe between waking up and leaving for school/work. Two, I'd tried to turn it into a fixed routine. Thank you so much for these tips. I'm going to try again, but this time, I'm going to keep reality in mind! lol

  2. I found you through the #HomeMattersParty and just wanted to thank you for sharing. The idea for the 3 things is simple and seems very helpful. I'm going to try it!

  3. I think these are great ideas. Thinking about what needs to happen immediately the next morning helps set the pace and get the important items front and center.

  4. Great idea and I love your approach! Thanks so much for sharing at Share The Wealth Sunday!


  5. Such a great idea! I have found myself with an ever-growing daily list so the 3-a-day sounds perfect!

  6. I have three specific things that I do each morning, one includes email. I have changed this up a few times. I like your idea. I'm going to revisit my morning three to see if I can make them more enjoyable.

  7. Great idea - I think I might try this. Thanks for linking up to the Blogger Brags link party. I have pinned your post to the Blogger Brags pinterest board.


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