Friday, July 17, 2015

Planner Time: How to Build the Planner Habit

I sometimes go a couple of days without writing anything in my planner. I'm a huge fan of writing things down, of course, but it's even better to just go ahead and do the thing. If I do it right away, I don't usually jot it down. (One exception is if I need a record, say that I called the repair shop to check on my car repairs.)

But there is something that I do without fail.

Every single day, I open up my planner and take a look at my task list.

time management, planner, Flourish, Franklin Covey

Sometimes, I decide that some of it won't get done and I reschedule those tasks.

Sometimes, I do all the tasks, one after another, and clear out the task list.

Sometimes, I notice a big appointment and focus on that.

But whatever happens, I have developed the habit of a daily visit with my planner. More than ANYTHING else, that habit makes sure that I don't miss anything important.

There are some things that you can do to help develop the planner habit and if you are at all serious about taking control of your life (even if your planner consists of a smart phone and an app), you should start doing these things right away.

*Set an alarm.

It sounds crazy, but until you get used to looking in your planner daily, set an alarm. I put mine on my laptop to remind me to look at my planner around 9 a.m. If I have already done so by then, I just turn off the alarm.

*Use your planner as a log.

If you log something - anything - in your planner, you'll be forced to open it. Maybe you log calorie intake, exercise, or water consumption. Maybe you have a chores checklist. Maybe you log your mood, your health issues, or the weather.

Choose something that you are highly motivated to track and log it. I log that I've done my "daily" list, including blogging and household chores. It's a great trick for forcing yourself to use your planner.

*Schedule planner time.

Every morning when I first sit down to do work, I check my planner first. Before I go to bed? I check my planner. Pick a time when you are generally free and check your planner.

*Store your planner nearby.

I keep my planner next to the couch at home, in my purse on the go, and at my desk when I work.

If your planner is missing, you might not go looking for it.

*Use your planner.

If I treat my planner's task list as the actual plan, I get much more done than if I see it as a suggestion. I can decide to reschedule, but it is an active decision.

Try these 5 steps and see if they help you to develop the planner habit.

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  1. I keep my planner in my purse by my desk. My morning coffee and checking my planner have become morning routines that I am very used to. I usually keep it open beside me wherever I am working (my desk or my dining nook), so that I can just glance down at it if I need to. I check mine periodically all day because that is where I keep my daily "to do"

  2. I have turned my new planner into my purse, so it's always with me now. lol Still, I like the idea of setting an alarm to remind myself to look in it. I'm doing that right now! :) I'm also thinking of clearing a spot on my nightstand for it since I want to get into the habit of looking at it right before bed as well as during the day. When I'm at work, it's on my desk. When I get home, it usually goes on my desk as well, but it doesn't have a set "home" there yet. It will soon, though. Thanks as always for your great tips! :)

  3. Sounds like great suggestions! Thanks for sharing with us at the #HomeMattersParty


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