Thursday, August 13, 2015

How One Simple List Can Reduce Food Waste

I've found a simple solution (in my planner, of course) to prevent food waste, save time, and help me stay on the weight loss track.

One simple list can make sure that leftovers don't get thrown away!

menu, budget, weight-loss

I jot a list on a post-it of any leftovers that are on the leftover shelf in fridge.

TIP: Create a designated shelf for foods that are leftover or must be used quickly.

I just move the list from week-to-week in my planner and use it to meal plan each night.

TIP: Note the number of servings left and the number of calories, and you are all set for weight loss.

If you enjoyed this simple tip, please share in your social media circles!


Partied at: This Is How We RollThoughtful Thursday, Pintastic Pinteresting, Home MattersShare the Wealth


  1. OH MY GOODNESS. YES. I always put left overs in the fridge with the intention of having them for lunch the next day, as one does, and the majority of the time I forget they are even in there until dinner! So this is friggin' brilliant! So simple, yet satisfying. Now, if only I will remember come next time there is left overs xD

  2. Jessica - I write the sticky note at the same time that I write in any ingredients that I need to refill on the grocery list. :)

  3. I have a whiteboard calendar that I do my menu planning on, and it has a notes section on the side. That's where I make my running grocery list and leftovers list.

  4. ha! how funny! I got the idea yesterday, I have to do something, because we usually forget the leftovers...
    My solution was: a plain white A4 paper, laminated on the fridge. I wrote on with whiteboard marker the date and the meal and how much.

  5. Why havnt I thought of this! genius! I have same issue!!

  6. Such a simple idea. My leftovers always seem to get pushed to the back of the fridge and get forgotten! Thank you for sharing on #HomeMattersParty.

  7. This is such a great idea...I love how organized you are! Thanks so much for sharing your tips at Share The Wealth Sunday!


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