Wednesday, August 26, 2015

How to Log Exercise in a Planner

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On the way home from the gym tonight, I happened to notice that my exercise log currently shows the old (and still useful) way that I logged my workouts and my new method of logging workouts.

I figured I would show you both, so that you can enjoy the comparison and borrow the style that works best for you!

log, exercise, health, planner, logging exercise, logging workouts

Note that my workout log is an active project and goes in my project pages portion of my planner.

(If you don't know what that means, read some other entries, using the projects tab at the bottom of this post.)

On the left, I used a blank memo pad that I double hole punched (punching on both sides so I could put it on either side of my planner spread).

On the right, I used the Quo Vadis Textagenda yearly pages (as a bonus, the above link includes the daily pages that I use in my daily docket posts).

For the memo pages, I used to log the date, type of workout, time, whether is was over 20 minutes, the day of the week, and whether it was at home, at the YMCA, at a class, and/or with others.

I realized, as I worked out more regularly, that I cared mostly about the number of minutes that I worked out and whether I was at the gym (justifying paying the membership fees).

So I pulled and hole-punched the yearly spread from my Textagenda and used it to note the minutes and the location (if at the YMCA) of my workout.

It's a layout that lets me know at a glance if I am truly doing what I am supposed to (which is at least a 30 minute workout at least 6 days a week, per my heart doctor).

You can see that I was horrible about this in July (mostly due to bronchitis) and much better in August! The only time I missed in August was the same week that I went to the ER with a stomach virus and chest pains. Even then, I started back the moment my doctor allowed it.

Try a simple log for your workout. It trains you to use your planner daily, it motivates you to workout, and it serves as a realistic record of how hard you are working.


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Partied at: 
Anything Goes, Healthy Living


  1. I like the idea of doing a paper log. I have been using my fitness pal, but the app makes it difficult to go back and look at your activity over the last week or month. Not to mention, there is not where to log whether it was at home or the gym. Considering I am paying gym membership fees as well, I want to know I am using my gym time. thanks for the tip. I will play around with it to suit me.

  2. What a fabulous way to keep track of your exercise. Thanks for sharing your post at the #AnythingGoes Link Party.

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