Saturday, August 8, 2015

How to Save Links on Facebook

***This post may contain affiliate links. These links help you find the items that I use in my planner and financially support this blog. See my "Disclaimer" link for additional details.***

Did you ever want to save a great recipe that you found on Facebook? Maybe you "Liked" Giftie Etcetera on Facebook and saw an article that you want to save to read or share with your friend later?

You could just post it on your timeline, but then you have to scroll around to find it later and either set the privacy to "only me" or have all your friends complain that you posted 10 different articles today on "how to create a page marker."

(Surely I'm not alone in doing that kind of research?)

Facebook has recently rolled out an option on many of its platforms that can help.

facebook, links, facebook links, saving facebook links

To save a link on Facebook:

1. Click on the arrow to the upper right of the link

2. Select "Save link."

To visit the saved links:

Look on your Home page (in the left column) under your Favorites.

TIP: To move Saved higher on the list of your Favorites, hover to the left of Saved, click on the *, and select "Rearrange." Then simply drag it up to where you want it to be. After rearranging, scroll down to the bottom of the Favorites list and click "Done."

To archive or delete saved links:

*To delete a saved link, first send it to "Archive" by clicking on the tiny X in the upper right hand corner of the link on your Saved list.

*To delete from Archive or to Unarchive, go to Archive (far right option under the Saved list, which includes "All," "Links," "Videos," etc.), click on the ... and choose your favorite option.

If you enjoyed this post, click here to learn more about using Facebook. Please share on Facebook so more people can learn how to use this cool feature.


NOTE: All images were created using a Microsoft Surface Pro 3.

Partied at: Small Victories SundayProject Inspired, Anything GoesTips and Tricks TuesdayA Little R&RWednesday Showcase, Think and Make, Home Matters

If you enjoy what you read at Giftie Etcetera, please share on social media. Click here to join the Giftie Etcetera Facebook group.


  1. This is an interesting development. What I always hate about Facebook is that so much information gets posted and quickly gets lost in the shuffle. It is obviously not designed to archive information. Unlike blogs, the content is not easily found with a search and is not archived together in one place.

  2. Josh, I agree.

    Actually, I only use this to save articles very temporarily. For example, I might save a recipe, but only until I can look it up and add it to OneNote. I use it a lot at election time, to save articles about candidates for right before I go and vote.

  3. I've been using this awhile now and love it! I just have to get around to actually reading the articles I've saved! 😄😂😄

  4. Right clicking on the time something was posted and then copying the link will then let you post a link to that post elsewhere.

  5. It sounds neat, but I prefer to use Pocket for saving articles. I'm just not a huge fan of Facebook. I know, I'm weird. lol

  6. I've noticed this "save link" feature but never tried it. Thanks for the info...I think this is something I will really use! Sometimes I see things on my phone but want to save them to read on my laptop later!

  7. Thanks, I did not know this! I save to Pocket, this will be much easier!

    With a smile from Carlyn in Tampa :-)

  8. Thanks for sharing this new Facebook feature at the #AnythingGoes Link Party.

  9. Wow. I had no idea you could save something on Facebook like that. Thank you for sharing! Thank you for linking up at #HomeMattersParty too :)

  10. Thanks for sharing this! I had no idea! :)


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