Monday, August 17, 2015

Things I Never Do in My Planner

As a part of the day planner community, I consider myself a bit of a rebel.

I adore spending hours looking at perfect planners. I read everything I can about layouts and binders and inserts. I study and write about planning on most weekdays.

Then I break all the rules!

planner, productivity, Franklin Planner, Franklin Covey, Flourish, compact

*I rarely color code.

Why bother carrying all those pens?

If I need to group things together, I can draw shapes around them. I have codes that represent my husband and each of my kids.

*I virtually eliminate all e-projects from my planner.

If something is being planned on-line, only deadlines and appointments go in my paper planner. Everything else gets planned in OneNote on my laptop.

I don't duplicate in two places because that gets so confusing.

*I never worry about perfect edges.

I only use my paper cutter to trim more permanent pages, like dividers. Normal day-to-day planning? I eyeball the paper and cut with scissors!

Guess what else I do?

I eyeball my hole-punching, too!

I know, right? I am such a bad, bad girl.

*I don't limit myself to matchy insides.

I use whatever layouts work best for me, without worrying about coordinating my inserts.

*I don't over-decorate.

In fact, other than doodles, I rarely decorate at all!

For someone as obsessed with planners as I am, this may sound shocking. But there are a couple of things that you should know.

First, I plan mostly to stay sane, so simplicity is important for me to keep my planning useful and relevant.

Second, I don't judge those who do things differently than I do. If decorating helps you use your planner, for example, I honor and respect that!


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  1. Yes, yes, and yes. Color coding is okay (but only because I have a Coleto, and it makes sense - I did fine before that!). And perfect edges? Who has the time?! I do break out the paper cutter, though, but only because I am cutting more than a few pages at a time when anything needs cutting, so it just makes more sense. But I've had plenty of crooked and not matching corners - it doesn't bother me. It's paper. It isn't really intended to be perfect.

  2. I never break out the paper cutter, I cut with scissors. As for hole punches, I broke down and got a classic hole puncher to make my life easier. I do not color code because that would just be too much work. I use daily pages with a schedule. On the schedule are things that have to do with me like appointments, kids appointments( because I have to drive them). But when it comes to hubbys appointments or kids afterschool activities, etc I mark it on my daily notes page with the time and then activity. That way, even though I will not be present, i know what is on their schedule that day.

  3. The only color coding I do are tiny little mark-it dot type stickers to signify birthdays or anniversaries, and which appointments pertain to myself or SO. All appointments or tasks, on any calendar page, are made in pencil. Highlights or status marks are in red, orange, or pink. Any more color on the monthly page is distracting to me. So for now, all my cool stickers are on hiatus.

  4. I use my calendar as a planner, and diary. So, I never color code. and its all messy, cuz i write in pen, then scratch thru if plans fall thru. Whatever, it's for my eyes only! Here from Inspire Me Monday.

  5. I am same as you! I am planner addict but don't do any of those things :D

  6. Agreed (except for the lining up of paper to cut and punch holes LOL!) I truly don't know how people can see past their decorating for a quick reference on their appointments and to-do's. I couldn't see the forest for the trees if I attempted that. That said, I DO pimp out my monthly pages a bit AFTER the month is over - I have fun filling in the blank spots. So I get to experience the creativity of planner dec without it interfering for what a planner is actually supposed to do. ;-)

  7. Lovely!
    I put a lot of post-its because my handwriting is big and it fits no planner.
    Depending on my mood, I may style it a bit, but not like when I was a teenager. Damn! Those were good times.
    Thanks a lot for sharing it on #TipTuesday.

  8. I don't put things in my paper planner that are online either unless it's a time I have to be at an online event. I use my paper planner mostly for keeping up with when my family has events, my kids schedules and my kids homework and tests schedules for school so i can make sure they study.

    I use my Google calendar for online work and events. I cam over from the Tuesday Talk link up by the way!

  9. Being a planner addict myself, I love this post and find it pretty funny. I break some of these rules too, because like you said, we plan to keep our lives together! I never color code anymore. I tried it for a while, but like you said it gets a little crazy trying to carry all those pens around.

  10. I'm totally confused, but why are you cutting paper for your planner? Are you making/customizing your own?

  11. I love the idea of a planner community, ahhh sounds like the perfect place for someone who likes to be organised :-)


  12. I like your approach. I'm a complete nerd for planners, and I've finally found one that works well for me. I've tried making them myself, using the ones that others make, etc., and they were all too fussy for me. I do color code a little, but I stick to 3 colors. Blue is for client assignments, green is for my blog and red is for REALLY IMPORTANT deadlines or appointments. Easy peasy. Thanks for sharing!

  13. I love beautiful, organized planners with a section for everything and everything matching -- but when I try to use them, I lose EVERYTHING! Over-organizing becomes my downfall. I'm down to keeping ongoing and master lists digitally, with a paper daily/weekly to-do list, usually written on a post-it note or back of scratch paper. I know, blasphemy! ;-) Maybe one day I will conquer the organization part enough to explore the pretty part! :) #TipTuesday

  14. I smiled all the while reading this post. I just started (this summer) eliminating writing things down for e-projects. I've started using Evernote and all the individual to-do's and next steps are there. I bought a 6-hole paper punch because it's more efficient since I make my own daily pages. But I love the idea of simplicity and not stressing about making the perfect looking planner. I just need enough space to write--and to see what I need to do! Great post as always, Giftie. Thank you for posting it.

  15. I don't do a lot of those things, but I do like to color code. I'm very visual and it helps me process things at a glance. (And I kind of like all the different colors.) I like to keep my pages basic and simple, but I do some decoration. When I get stressed, I need to do something creative, like in the middle of an international move, I made new dividers and printed some other things for my planner.

  16. The best thing is that it's your planner and you get to make the rules. ;) Thanks for sharing at the #AnythingGoes Link Party.

  17. I do a hybrid version of planning for my week and day. I have my note app and Google calendar for my appointments, but for my day-to-day "to do's" I simply make a list every day. But maybe there's something to being more organized with that. Thanks for the interesting and practical tips as well as creative ideas!

  18. Like you, I do add shapes around didn't things for different reasons. I have a planner for different parts of my life. I like that we have a love of planners in common. I've reviewed my fair share of them, and I'm sure I'll do what I can to get more as time goes on. It's become a small addiction.

    Visiting you from the #SmallVictoriesSundayLinkUp.

  19. I tried color coding my tasks at first, rookie mistake :) You're right, I didn't like having to have all the pens with me at once. I don't decorate either, I hardly have time to accomplish everything I want to in a day anyway. Thanks again for sharing with Small Victories sunday Linkup, I love your planner posts, I need to get some of mine done too! Pinned to our linkup board.

  20. Good for you ignoring the rules. I think the best planner is the one that works for YOU! The best system is the one that keeps YOU organized!

  21. I LOVE my planner and I use it all the time. My husband has finally realized (only married almost 30 years!) that if I am doing something, going somewhere, scheduled an event - it's ON THE PLANNER!! ;) I don't color code, but I do place things at the top for morning, middle for afternoon, bottom for evening. I'll be checking out your blog for more planner ideas!


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