Saturday, September 5, 2015

Organize Your Link Parties

Loyal Readers know I will organize just about anything. If something is organized, it's easy and quick to find, use, and put away.

Websites that I want to visit on a certain day at a certain time, like link parties, are prime material for organizing.

blog, blogger, bloggers, link party, link parties, bookmark, Chrome

For my blogging friends, today features a peek at how I organize link parties in three easy steps!

(For non-bloggers, check out some link parties, included at the bottom of most of my recent posts. It's a great way to discover new, soon-to-be favorite blogs.)

1. Add the link-ups that I like to my Google Chrome bookmarks (pictured above).

2. Divide them by day.

3. Subdivide by time

The pink part of the picture shows a.m. linkups. The purple part demonstrates a party that starts at 8 a.m. And the blue is for p.m. parties.

Having link parties set up this way is critical for quick linking. I just link when I have free time, so if I have free time at 9 a.m. on Monday, I can do just the Monday morning links.

Simple, but effective.


If you enjoy what you read at Giftie Etcetera, please share on social media. Click here to join the Giftie Etcetera Facebook group.

Partied at: Meetup MondayMy Favorite Things. Reasons to Skip the Housework, Saturday Sharefest, Saturday Sparks, Dare to Share
Share the WealthSmall Victories, Happiness Is HomemadeSimply Sundays, Making Your Home SingInspire Me MondayInspiration MondaySundays Down UnderMotivation MondayMommy Monday, Anything Goes, Something to Talk About, Baby Brain MondayCreate Link Inspire, My Favorite ThingsHappy Home Life, Way Back Wednesday

Featured atSmall Victories Sunday, Happy Home Life


  1. I'm so impressed by your uber-organized and color-coded bookmark system. I may need to do something like this for all my coupon sites. Definitely going to give this a try.

  2. Oh, coupons are ripe for this, because they are time-specific. Also, store sales flyers! And kids' homework posting sites for teachers, say if the teachers post on Mondays. It's like a tickler file for websites.

  3. what a great idea gonna try to take your advice and set up my own system for parties I like to join. After all I love sharing with others about post we share on our blog at with your system it would be so much easier to do so.

  4. Structure is so important for making a plan happen. Color makes it fun. Thanks for the organizing tip!

  5. I organize my links the same way! I have a folder in my Google bar with all of the link ups I do organized by day. It makes it so much easier to join in on these instead of constantly clicking each site or having to remember!

    - Courtney

  6. I do a similar thing on my phone. I have pop-ups to remind me of the different link parties I want to join. I have about 5 of them that I participate in regularly.

  7. I just started using Chrome today so I will look into your system.
    Thanks Kathleen

  8. Great idea. I implemented it immediately, mind you I can't figure out how to change the colors. I've pinned and tweeted it. Thanks!

  9. Oops, sorry. You can't change the colors! I just added them so you could see the difference!

  10. Great Idea !!! I did that at first, but found it super confusing in the end. So I moved to evernote, for me it's a lot more trackable... Plus I type what I shared to each party so I never share the same post twice in one spot :)

  11. Fabulous idea! I have a sheet in my blog planner for link parties but having it bookmarked on Chrome is genius! Thanks for sharing with Small Victories Sunday Linkup. Pinning to our linkup board and hope you found some great posts to visit this week!

  12. So, as I was clicking on the Mommy Momnday link party, I was really thinking about how much I need a system to help me keep these link parties organized so that I not only don't miss one, but more importantly, I don't forget to go back and comment on other links. Then this showed up in the links. Perfect! Thank you so much for sharing!

  13. This is great! I am such an organizer, list make and cannot believe I haven't already thought of this. Will be keeping up with you going forward. Stopping by from Saturday Sharefest. Happy rest of the weekend!

  14. I tried this system when I first started doing link-ups, but now I use an excel workbook to organize them all in Google Docs.

  15. I have the link parties I visit listed on a Link Party page and then open them all up on the day I am in. Though I sometimes miss the times or I have them listed for Tuesday but they went up on Monday. I love your method, and I am definitely going to steal it! It would be so much better to know exactly when to post and have it so easily accessible!

  16. I was just thinking that I needed a way to organize my pinky parties and then I found you and this post. Love it! I'm going to try it out later this evening. Thank you!

  17. Since I created a page with a list of the link parties I frequently join, things got much easier.
    I like the idea of bookmarks though.

  18. Fabulous idea! Thanks so much!

  19. I absolutely LOVE this idea! Hopefully you have us on your list too :) Going to start doing it from now! Thank you for linking up to #babybrainmonday x

  20. I love this style of organizing. I should do it my bookmarks as well.

  21. Great tips here - thanks! I've pinned your post. I also appreciate you linking up to the Sundays Down Under linky party.

    Best wishes,
    Natasha in Oz

  22. As I find and get invited to join more linky parties, I know I'm going to have to work on a tracking system. Yours seems pretty straight forward, so I'll give it a try. Stopping by to say Hi from #TheHappyHomeLife linky.

  23. I so need to do this. It can be quite a feat to keep all the linkups straight.

  24. Great way to organize. Never thought of that, I should totally do it!


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