Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Planning Today's Schedule

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Life can get crazy.

This weekend, we have a black belt graduation and two birthday parties to host. We have a house guest coming over.

Oh, and my epilepsy kid is having freak outs at school and hiding under desks.

I have a lot on my plate.

planner, task, tasks, schedules

I needed a schedule, just for the day. I swear that I do not even have time to hole-punch a daily sheet.

Instead, I took some Day-Timer Self-Stick Hot Lists and made a schedule by writing numbers in the little boxes. 6 a.m. - 9 p.m. It literally only took minutes.

It works so well in my Franklin Covey compact that I might stick to this for a while for making schedules.

It would work just as well in a bigger size planner, too. I really was just using these for lists, but they are great for schedules.


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Partied at: Friday Favorites, Weekend Blog Hop, Home Matters


  1. What I love about formatted lists and notepads is finding ways to re-purpose them to suit different needs. It really challenges my creativity and gives my paper supply double duty

  2. Now that is a great idea. I occasionally need a schedule like that and that could work really well. And I have some of those hot lists. Has anybody told you lately that you're brilliant?!

  3. I have to do things like that from time to time. I try to keep from having the crazy days, but sometimes, life just happens that way. :) I like to add post-its with extra lists, but hadn't tried them for scheduling.

  4. I'm always looking for new ways to stay organized. Thanks for sharing at My Flagstaff Home!



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