Thursday, September 24, 2015

The 7 Essential Parts of a Travel Plan

Even though I am known for my planner, I do most of my travel planning in OneNote on my laptop, since I pack and plan at home anyway.

That way, I can keep old packing lists and travel plans for using as models for new plans.

But what if you don't have a plan? What do you NEED to include in your travel plan?

travel, planning, organize, globe, carry-on bag, water bottle

There are seven things that you need to have in a complete travel plan. Some are obvious, but some are not.

1. Packing List

Consider dividing it based on the bag that you are packing the items in.

2. Weather Report

Making a packing list is so much easier if you look up the weather forecast for your destination.

3. Menu/Food Plans

If you are going camping, you can make a simple list. If going into a new city, look on-line for restaurants in your areas. The plans can be tentative, but at least it lets you decide how many snacks and drinks you need for the trip.

4. Shopping List

Put stars next to anything that needs to go on your shopping list. Then, before the trip to the store, add those things to your regular shopping list in your planner.

5. Task List

This one actually goes in your planner. It should include stuff like shopping, packing, and charging electronics.

6. Driving Directions

Do NOT just rely on the GPS. Many places don't have satellite coverage.

Also, didn't you learn ANYTHING from watching Cars?!?

7. Itinerary

If anything is time-specific, make sure you have the itinerary in your planner.

Have all 7 things? You are all set for your trip!

If you think of something else needed for planning a trip, let me know in the comments!


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  1. I'm doing a 2-part trip end of October - making my annual visit to see my parents in FL then stopping back off to see my sister and her husband who just moved to SC so having a checklist helps me to compartmentalize everything

    One thing I did think of (if it doesn't fall into one of the other categories) is any doctor's notes for medical conditions - especially if you're flying. My dad has a defib and my mom has a steel plate and screws in her arm from where she fell and broke her shoulder, as well as their insulin needles. When they fly up here, they have to present a note from their doctor to security because they can't go through the metal detector. They actually took my parents aside so the male guard could feel my dad's defib through his chest and a female guard did the same with mom's shoulder.

  2. Relying on GPS is never good. We learned that when we had to play guessing games in the middle of nowhere when we lost GPS signal. Luckily it was day. Now I also know directions ahead of time.

  3. Great list! I found myself nodding in agreement with all of those. :) We've been too many places with no phone/GPS signal, and I've learned that the hard way. I also have one with food allergies, so that has to be thought through. And I agree with the "divide and conquer" method for the packing list. I find it easier when broken down by bag or type of thing. :)

  4. I never thought of using OneNote - what a great idea! We travel so often, but I use little scraps of paper or my memory to make lists. You know how using your memory goes...

  5. I think you have covered everything for a travel list in this post. Thanks for sharing with us at #WednesdaysWisdom. I like the idea of not relying on GPS and having your travel directions sorted before you go.

  6. I'm heading off for a week with one of my daughters. I must start saving my lists as you say - would save me so much thinking time. As I read your list I found they were also relevant as a check list for things for me to prepare for when I'm leaving some kids at home - so thanks!

  7. Thank you so much for sharing your post with us at the #AnythingGoes Link Party! See you next week.

  8. For overseas travel, add #8 Documents: photocopy of passport, insurance certificates, a couple of spare ID photos, emergency numbers and addresses (eg embassy, airline), family/home photos (to show locals, great icebreaker), some useful phrases in the local lingo.

  9. Traveling is really one of the best relaxing experiences. You should pack your bag according to your travel destination. You should have walking aids, walking sticks, shoe accessories, and several other things to have a safe tour.


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