Sunday, September 6, 2015

The "Almost" Perfect Husband

One of my personal favorite posts of all time is about how to live with people who are not planners by nature.

You can read that Sunday Flashback post HERE.

I still love my husband.

I still wish he'd get on the planner bandwagon.

Feel free to encourage him in the comments.


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Partied at: 
Simply SundaysMaking Your Home Sing, Inspire Me Monday, Inspiration Monday, Sundays Down Under, Motivation Monday, Mommy Monday, Monday's MusingsAnything GoesSomething to Talk AboutBaby Brain MondayReasons to Skip the HouseworkPretty PintasticFuntastic Friday, Wedded WednesdayHappy Home LifeWay Back Wednesday


  1. Hello Kristy,

    I'm from Belgium and I guess you could hear me laugh all across the ocean with the tail-story. I laughed sooo hard, my husband and kids were so curious, so I told them the tail-story too...
    My husband and I married in 1996, just like you. We're a couple since 1992 and it took me ages (and a lot of silent treatments)before he could remember my birthday. And only my birthday... not our anniversary, not our kids birthdays, not his parents birtdays, no. He managed to remember my birthday before the kids were born (2000 and 2004) and didn't manage to remember anything else...
    I'm the planner in our family (what did you expect, hahaha!), but I don't mind at all! Planning for birthday parties and holidays, I consider that as pre-fun :-)

    This is the first time I respond although I read your blog everytime (Bloglovin').

    Thank you, Kristy,

    With love from Belgium,


  2. Oh, and I defenitely will remember your Amazon-a-week-before-my-birthday-tip!


  3. My husband is horrible at planning. I gave up long ago getting him to jump on board. My kids are just as bad. My son depends on me to remember when his football games are. Being reminded by the coach day before is fine with him (he is going to infuriate a planner wife one day). My daughter just refuses to plan ahead. So, I am the planner/seceretary of the family. Sad, but true and I have accepted.

  4. Popped over to your original post. I'm a planner, and the hubs is NOT. I'm not a type A person, so I didn't think it was a big deal, but my husband is the kind of person who doesn't know when he's leaving town for the weekend until he's on the way home to pack on Friday afternoon. Literally. I've had to learn to go with the flow. A lot. The biggest advice I have is like you said, do most of it yourself, and learn to easy up. Otherwise you'll just be miserable. :)

  5. Haha! This made me chuckle - I can totally relate! my husband is exactly the same! I have to prompt him at every given opportunity and I'm definitely the planner in the relationship! He's also extremely forgetful so the family planner sounds like a good idea and then there'll be n more excuses! thanks for linking up to #babybrainmonday x

  6. My husband and I aren't really planners, but it works for us. I'm glad I have someone who "gets" me. Thanks for sharing at the #AnythingGoes Link Party.

  7. I cannot stop laughing. Seriously-- you definitely deserve an apology jewel. lol. But you are so right about living with a non-planner. I love a good planner plus the one on my phone because I am like a secretary. So much that at the kids schools and church I give my email address so I can be sent reminders instead of him. :)


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