Wednesday, October 14, 2015

How Productive People Actually Get Stuff Done

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You know those (ahem, STRANGE) people who actually get stuff done on time?

productivity, planner, time management, coffee, coffee mug, orange studio planner, quo vadis

We've all seen them, showing up at meetings and handing out completed reports a day early, throwing parties with seemingly no stress at all, and getting tickets to the Adam Levine concert without breaking a sweat?

(I hate all of those overachievers. HATE.)

(Also, I know Adam Levine has a band and all, but who goes see the band? We all go to see my boyfriend, Adam. You know it's true.)

Seriously, though, productive people do have some secrets. And when I follow their example, I find that I am productive, too.

There are 3 rules that can change your ability to be more productive, without a ton of effort.

Do It OR Write It Down

The most productive people don't write everything down. I know that sounds like crazy talk coming from a plannerd, but if they can just do the task quickly, they do so.

Check an email? Send an immediate response.

Get an assignment that can be done by pulling an old document from the files? Pull the document.

If the task takes longer than a couple of minutes or they are very focused on some other task, though, they do write it down. That frees their mind to worry about the task at hand.

Make a Plan

When productive people get busy, they make a plan to bust through the work in priority order.

A simple way to do that? Number the tasks on your to do list in priority order.

Say No

Productive people monitor what is on their plate, so they know what they can and cannot afford to agree to before they are asked. They know how to say "no."

Try following these rules for a week and watch how your life changes!

Cool stuff used in the production of the image in this blog post (click to see): 

Blue Coffee MugPlastic EnvelopeErasable Gel PenOrange Circle Studio 2016 Take Me With You Planner, Paris Is Always a Good Idea (weekly inserts), Quo Vadis Textagenda Refill August 2015 - July 2016 Compact Daily Planner (daily inserts)


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Partied at: 
A Little R and R, Coffee and Conversation, Work It Wednesday, Happy Home LifeThoughtful ThursdayThink and Make ThursdaysThis Is How I Roll, No Rules Weekend, Get Your Shine OnMomma Told MeSomething to Talk About

Featured at: Happy Home Life


  1. A lot of what I see from the productivity experts/communities I follow is too much time spent on finding the right app rather than hunkering down and getting things done. They spend more time testing out app after app, but it doesn't 'do' the work for you. I prefer paper for the main reason that I find apps too time consuming (seriously, I can open up my planner and write it in faster than it takes to dig my phone out from the bottom of my purse, swipe it open, punch in the security code, touch the app then use my non-12-year-old thumbs to tap in tasks, appointments, notes, etc.

    And you're so right about something that only takes a minute or two that can be done right now. Why bother writing it down? Just do it. I like the idea of dividing everything into what can get done while you're waiting on hold, getting your oil changed, etc. rather than those tasks that require more research and time. As usual, great post. And thanks for the links to your swag. It's too bad FC doesn't make the Flourish anymore. It's such a pretty, classy looking planner.

  2. One day, my Flourish is going to die, and I will be so upset!

  3. I need to do better at the one where if you can accomplish the task in the time it would have taken you to write it down, you just do it. Then if I have a need to cross it off of a list (I will), I'll just write it down later and immediately cross it off. ;)

  4. Agree wholeheartedly with making a plan, nothing makes me feel more organised in the face of potential defeat that having my priorities numbered so I can focus on one thing at a time and know nothing will be forgotten. Great tip. #TheHappyHomeLife

  5. Write it down! I know this, and I do well with it about 85% of the time. I have one thing that I never wrote down, and kept remembering it when I would stumble across it- at a time that I couldn't work on it. It will take about 5 minutes (with my kids), but it's been bugging me for about a week. Now I have finally written it down, and moved it to where I will see it when I start my evening routine. :)

    I'm getting better at saying no, but still need work there.

  6. If I don't do it or write it down, it never gets done - the chances of me remembering even 5 minutes later are pretty slim!

  7. I find extremely productive people annoying but I admire them. Must be nice to have it all together like that.


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