Monday, November 9, 2015

3 Things You Should Be Tracking in a Day Planner

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People who don't use planners are always asking me what I put in there.

Well, everything.

In particular, though, I put appointments, deadlines, and task lists. 

Oh, and some other stuff that non-planner people rarely consider, but that makes my life so much easier.

planner, log, planners, logs, paper planners, paper planner, chore chart

There are 3 types of planner entries that should be tracked or logged, in some way, day-to-day.

1. Routine Tasks (but ONLY IF you are still in the process of learning the routine)

TIP: Using a checklist for a few weeks is a great way to learn a new routine. 

If you use an external checklist like the one in the above link, make sure to have a reminder to check the checklist (I call mine "Dailies" or "Chores") in your planner!

2. Goal Achievement

If you are working towards a goal (like Nanowrimo word counts or exercising for 30 minutes a day), track that so you know if you are reaching your goal.

TIP: Graph paper is usually the best way to track goal achievement.

3. Mandatory Daily Tasks

For example, if you must take a certain medication each day, without fail, the stakes are high enough to merit tracking (and an alarm on your phone) EVEN IF you usually remember.

TIP: A repeating task tag might be good enough. If you've moved the tab, you've done the task.

Don't bother with routine tasks that are extremely unimportant or that you do most days without a reminder. Those don't need a written reminder, and reminders that are unnecessary clutter up valuable planner space.

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  1. I live by a planner and have for many years although sometimes I've been less faithful than others. Mine is a combination of 2 lists, one long and one short and an online calendar/planner. The online planner is more convenient at this time in my life because, as a counselor, I have many repeating appointments. Thanks for sharing some great ideas. Visiting from Good Morning Mondays today. Blessings!

  2. I had to do a major overhaul as to what I needed to track. I had gotten caught up in 'habit tracking' which did nothing but stress me out if I went several days without updating the 'tracker'. I had to decide what was important to track and what was not. I keep a 16oz tumbler on my desk that I refill all day so I know I'm getting enough water. I have an Outlook alarm that goes off for my 7am scripture study, so I don't track that. Plus, these things have become automatic habits.

    Instead, I focused on only a handful of things I wanted to track and use my monthly spread pages for that (as I don't have a lot of appointments or events). There I track days/times I get migraines (as I've been getting them a lot), weather, vitamins, cleaning chart and, know :) Everything else is treated as an actionable task on my weekly pages

  3. I really enjoy the tips about habits. Do you have more tips on a home management binder vs. a take and carry with you planner?

  4. Yes. Limit your home management binder to ONLY stuff you really need ONLY at home - numbers of service providers (like plumbers), household yearly cleaning lists, weekly chore lists, locations list of stuff stored at home...

    A planner is for stuff that leaves the house!

  5. I am a list maker. In past years I used a planner. I think I need ot go back to it. Maybe that would help me keep the jumk on my desk down!

  6. I just got a planner a couple days ago, but I haven't started using it yet. I wanted to be able to track and plan my days better because there are SO many different aspects of blogging, and I always feel like I'm behind in something. Thanks for the tips on getting started with one.

  7. I am a big list maker also so the planner obviously has its appeal for me! Thank you for sharing these tips on the Art of Home-Making Mondays! :)

  8. Great tips. I love the Goal Achievement tip. That is something I never think to put in a planner.

  9. I have been slacking with my planner lately, because life has been so crazy, not a good thing though, stuff works better when there is some order in the chaos. Love your blog post, have a wonderful day!

  10. I am a planner with a planner! I can't relax unless I have things in order at my fingertips.

  11. Hi. Wanted to let you know your helpful post has been featured at our blog hop! Thanks for sharing!

  12. Great tips! I use my planner every day! Agree with you on the stickies to help with tasks too! Following on Twitter!

  13. I am a planner girl, but recently lost my mojo. Planners are such an important piece to creating organized living & also to tap into your creativity. I like your examples of how we can track the important things in our life. Great post & thank you for linking up to our Small Victories Sunday Linkup.


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