Sunday, November 22, 2015

Christmas Gift Guide for Kids Who Are Too Old for Toys

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Every year, we take our kids to Toys 'R Us to make a Christmas wish list. It's always a fun day for them.

My second grader, Loki, made a list that was two pages long (and calculated out to about $1,500 worth of, that's NOT happening).

But this year, for the first time, it was different for my older kid, a fourth grader.

He's no longer into toys.

kids, gift guide, Christmas gifts, elementary school kids

Oh, he put some stuff on his list, but the truth is that almost none of it consisted of actual toys.  

That shouldn't come as a surprise. But sometimes mom is the last to realize that her little boy is growing up!

Ander is working on a YouTube channel, reading constantly, and likes to play games.

This changes Christmas shopping for him completely. My husband and I have to rethink the kind of gifts we are giving to him.

We want to stay in budget, of course, but he deserves a great Christmas, too. Plus, his little brother will be getting lots of toys.

So I've brainstormed some ideas for gifts for kids who are outgrowing toys but are still too young to appreciate cool clothes and fancy video games.

Fire Tablet

Fire Tablets are great for educational games, reading e-books (that I check out from the library), and watching cartoons.

Right now, they start at just $50, making them a perfect Christmas gift!

Yu-gi-oh Cards

My kid is obsessed with these trading cards.

I let him actually trade. It drives my husband crazy, but I figure he's learning some great economic lessons!

Trunk for Storage

My second grader will probably get something big under the tree, making my fourth grader's stash look tiny (even if it is more expensive)!

Adding storage (for all those collectible cards and books) as a gift makes his Christmas pile look huge, even though we all know the storage is really just to make mom happy.

Webcam with Built-in Mic

Since Ander is working on You Tube videos, a better camera will help him make better little presentations.

This is at the top of his Christmas wish list, by the way. I love that, since it's helping him learn public speaking.


Percy Jackson is the current rage at our house, but any set of well-loved books is a hit here.

Art Set

What's more fun than drawing and doodling? An art set that looks serious and grown-up encourages regular use.


Really, any musical instrument is great to give at this age!

Light Up LED Soccer Ball

Nothing is more fun than playing soccer in the dark! I think Ander would love a light up soccer ball.

Notice that my gift ideas aren't really toys.

Instead, they are usable, educational, and fun gifts that let my little boy feel a bit more grown up while still having fun!


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  1. I love your ideas! Great post! And, consider yourself lucky to have boys! As a mom to two teenage girls, I can attest to the fact that Christmas can be a MUCH more expensive holiday now that the girls are older! Ummmm...have you seen how much makeup can cost at places like Ulta and Sephora? And how SMALL something that costs that much is? LOL

    Really like the webcam idea! My youngest loves to Skype her friends so that may be put on my list for her!

  2. MineCraft Gift Cards (found at Target) are a stocking stuffer of choice over here. The kids are always wanting to buy new textures.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Oh and TrayceeBee, I'm with you on that. I explored Ulta last week for stocking stuffers and holy cow!! Money does NOT go far there.

    Other idea: Board Games (we always have at least one to open on Christmas Eve)

  5. Many older kids still like sports stuff. What kid doesn't want a new bike? Camps and classes are always cool!

  6. Awesome ideas! I have four sisters who are either teens or preteens--Christmas looks like a lot of clothes and books in our house!

  7. Great ideas. My two boys are getting older, too, and it's challenging. I'm adding more advanced building and remote control "toys"; stuff for their rooms like microfiber blankets and new big boy sheets; games we can play and enjoy as a family (yay for NO MORE CANDYLAND!)

  8. As a card collector (Pokemon and Magic the Gathering), those cardboard boxes are awesome to have around - and always always, more is better (because it allows you room to grow, but also room to rearrange them! Another suggestion would be a heavier duty binder and the 9slot card pockets - best way to create a selection of cards to trade with friends, and to show off your "best." But it's also a great way to "learn" organizing and a way to take pride, so to speak, in your collection.
    I mean, uh, I don't do these things as an adult, yes, yes I do. xD

  9. I have a 4th grader too. This is a fantastic list.

  10. Excellent. I have noticed that kids getting too big for toys also still like the Wimpy Kid books. My kids have graduated to laptops, video games, etc being teens. They kill my budget almost every year, but it is getting better. Especially since my daughter has became obsessed with her long hair. Can you say budget buying for a teen girl. :)

  11. I love these ideas! I remember when my son was at that age, it was a little sad, but now I'm happy we don't have to walk the aisles of Toys R Us anymore. Thank you for sharing your list with Thankful Thursdays.

  12. My kids are outgrowing toys, too. Legos are still a big hit, and they are something I like to by them. I like things that encourage creativity. Another big hit is art supplies. They get a lot of use throughout the year, and then need to be replaced. ;)

  13. These are such great ideas! I can't imagine the day my kids aren't into toys, but I suppose it's coming (and sooner than I'd like). I cherish this "little kid" stage. I'm sure your son will have an amazing holiday! Thanks for sharing at the Manic Mondays blog hop!

  14. I love the glow in the dark ball, I'm pretty sure my 8 year old would love it too!
    Thank you for linking up to the Holidays Celebration Link Party! Your post has been pinned to the party's Pinterest board (

  15. I love this list! I have 3 boys at very different ages and these are the type of things I like to get for all of them. Toys are great but even one or two toys is enough when they already have so many we trip over all the time. Getting things to help them learn, have fun and yet avoid the toy storm that Christmas seems to always bring is a plus for us. Thanks for sharing! :)

  16. These are great. Struggling with what to get my 9 year old. I will head onto Amazon with this great list. Thank you for sharing at Faith Filled Parenting LinkUp.

  17. I have a feeling we'll be at this stage with my oldest in the next year or two, so thank you for giving me some ideas.


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