Wednesday, November 4, 2015

How to Get Everything Done

Sometimes it feels like whatever I do and however hard I try, I get nothing done.

The day passes by without accomplishing anything.

planner, day planner, coffee cup, computer, laptop

Then there are days like today, when I get everything done!

The difference doesn't come down to whether or not I have a plan for the day (though that helps), but whether I work the plan.

It's a waste of time to make a plan and then not do the things on it.

For those who want to peek into my process, here's my daily plan.

I'll talk about the marked areas in detail, complete with tips for using your planner.

planner, daily plan, daily docket

TIP: Highlight things as you complete them and other stuff, still to be done, will pop out at you.

A) Note that A is highlighted.

TIP: Write "CANCEL" over thing that are cancelled if you need to make a record.

I included a schedule with the time sensitive stuff. A sick kid meant Mass got cancelled, so I wrote CANCEL over Mass.

TIP: Use an arrow to show moved items, tasks, or appointments.

B) When Mass got cancelled, I needed to move "envelope" to the next week, so I can bring it to Church with me then. So I drew an arrow over it, copied it on next Sunday, and then highlighted it.

TIP: Have a consistent way to label planner pages.

C) I label planner pages in the top right corner. The consistency means I know just where to look to see what a page is about and where to put it in my planner. (I do the same for files.)

TIP: Your plan can change whenever it needs to, as long as you keep working it.

D) I realized that I needed to use some ground beef from the freezer (um, because the freezer was so full that it wouldn't close properly), so I added spaghetti to the lunch plans.

E) I added "meds refill" to my list late, too.

TIP: An "in progress" square around a task that is started but not complete lets you show you've accomplished something, but have more to do.

F) I put a square around the laundry task after I started the laundry, but I won't highlight until the laundry is put away.

TIP: Circle repeating tasks.

G) Once I took my morning meds, I rewrote taking them on tomorrow's plan.

TIP: Have codes for completed items (check mark), delayed items (arrow), delegated items (@), and deleted items (X).

H) I checked off my RSVP once I made it.

TIP: Use codes for family members.

I) I put a square around L for one kid, The Loki.

TIP: Use context codes to designate WHERE a task should be done.

J) H means do the task at home.

TIP: For repeating tasks that are not critical, use sticky notes.

K) I check Philofaxy every Saturday, so that reminder moves from week to week.


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Partied at: Worthwhile Wednesdays, WayBack Wednesday, Creative Princess, Happy Homelife, Showcase Your Talent Thursday, Think and Make Thursday, This Is How We Roll, No Rules Weekend, Momma Told Me, Weekend Blog Hop, Grace at Home, Friendship Friday, Friday Favorites, Coffee Break, Home Matters, Pretty Pintastic, Weekend Retreat, Friday Features, Foodie Friends, Best of the Weekend, My Favorite Things, Saturday Sparks, Simply Sundays, Making Your Home Sing, Inspire Me Monday, Sundays Down Under, Small Victories Sunday
Featured at: Happy Homelife


  1. Great tips! I do keep a daily planner for my blog like scheduling post, link parties, FB groups, etc. but for things around the house I write things I need to do on a list then mark off when completed.

  2. Wow! Great tips and suggestions for staying organized!

    I keep a list as well and have some similar codes. Enjoyed reading yours and how you keep up with everything!

    Found you on #100 Days today!

    Hope you have a blessed day~

  3. Some great tips here - I really need to make better use of my planner! :) #anythinggoes

  4. Love the tips, especially what to do with an item that gets cancelled or a task that is in progress, but not completed. Thank you!

  5. Every time I visit your blog, I think "Hmm...I really should get a real live paper planner." Then I don't. But after reading this well thought out! I need a real live paper planner!! I think I might put it on my Christmas list. I'm sure you have suggestions of good ones! I will have to poke around a bit and find them.

  6. Great tips :) I need to get more organised!!

    Thanks for stopping by and linking up to the weekend blog hop..

  7. Awesome tips. Ur always such a big help

  8. These are great tips! I am big on organization to keep my day running smoothly...I live my by calendar, To Do list, reminders etc! Thanks for sharing on the #SmallVictoriesSundayLinkup!

  9. Great tips as always. I always learn something new from your posts like these. Starting today, I'm going to use the box around tasks to mark things that are half done. :)

  10. Thank you for the great ideas on how to keep the plan going! I am just starting to really activate my blog and etsy store and with 4 kids sometimes i feel like the other things get left go like...the cleaning.

    I like the idea of using a highlighter and I love the canceled idea too!


    I came over from #TheHappyHomeLife 's linky party!


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