Saturday, November 14, 2015

Parenting, Planners, and Public Speaking

Once a week, I focus on technology. But I don't limit the technology talk to my blog.

I also teach my kids how to use technology in a positive way.

Currently, that means learning how to write, produce, and star in their own YouTube videos for kids.

Planner people, especially those with children or grandchildren, keep reading
I've got a special tutorial for you to watch (with or without your kid) about using planners!

technology, parenting, planner, planners, homeschooling, you tube,

I was a little worried about creating a YouTube channel for my kid. After all, everyone can see it. 

So I explored YouTube, where I've been doing my own videos of dubious quality for a while now, and figured out that I could create a channel for him.

I keep the password and control of the posting.

I can set it to private (though I've opted not to for now, as long as I heavily moderate it). If it is private, you can share the link with friends or family.

I can approve all comments before he even sees them. (That is a really important part of moderating a kid's YouTube channel. People write inappropriate stuff in comments.)

But he can practice using technology, public speaking, and composing an interesting and organized story. 

To date, his videos are about silly card games, but we are planning a video on anti-bullying soon. Ander has a black belt, so he has some expertise in that area.

His first attempts on the Ander Cade channel are clearly underdeveloped with even more lighting and composition issues than his mom's videos, but fun to watch, especially for other kids and his own grandparents. (I swear that I really do make him brush his hair. It just does that Harry Potter thing! We are expecting his letter on his 11th birthday.)

With every video, we go over it and decide what we can improve next time. Shorten the intro, don't record directly in front of a light-filled window, capitalize the title correctly. It's a process that has taught him so much.

The best part? He doesn't realize that he is basically being homeschooled in this subject!

(Shout out to his computer teacher, Mr. B, who is truly building an interest in the subject at school, too. He deserves part of the credit.)

TIP: If you homeschool, have kids make videos on the topics of the week, act out scenes from plays, or create news reports on YouTube. Heck, do that even if you don't homeschool!

Now, planner peeps, you've been patient while I wrote all of that. So I have a real treat for you...a You Tube video about Making a Planner for Kids starring Ander and me, giving some great advice to you (and your kid, if you'd like to share it) about how to set up a cheap, useful planner for your kid!


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Partied at: My Favorite Things, Small Victories, Share the Wealth, Making Your Home Sing, Happiness Is Homemade, Inspire Me Monday, What'd You Do This Weekend, Amaze Me Monday, Good Morning Mondays, Something to Talk About, Marvelous Monday, Monday Musings, What Are You Doing, Hip Homeschool Hop


  1. watched the video. excellent tips for making planners for your kids.

  2. Ironically enough, my son already has a YouTube channel and a planner! However, the planner I bought him is a dinky little spiral-bound from Dollar Tree. Another ironic note: my best friend recently suggested we use it to start keeping track of his allowance earnings. And that was before watching this video! But now I'm thinking about getting him a ring-bound in that size and helping him set it up in much the same way you have your son's set up. I think he would love it!

  3. Just watched the video. I am just started using a planner. My daughter had a planner given to her in her in middle school and they had to carry it everyday and everywhere for school. It really does keep you more organized!

  4. I've been using the bullet journal to help my kids plan and keep track of their completed chores to earn their allowance. They were all keeping them over the summer and chores had to be done before they got screen time.

    How can I join that Planner Bloggers group? I'm a total planner addict and starting to blog more about planning and organizing, in fact just published my free 2016 blog planner. Hope you saw it! Thanks for sharing with Small Victories Sunday Linkup. Pinning to our linkup board and hope you found some great posts to visit this week!

  5. Tonya, go to my Facebook page, Giftie Etcetera, and read the top post. It tells you how to join!


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