Saturday, November 28, 2015

What to Buy Your Husband for Christmas

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So many of my friends are asking what to buy husbands for Christmas? What gift should I get my husband? Is there a gift guide for husbands?

gifts for men; gifts for husbands

Every November, wives and girlfriends stress over what to get for their significant others. It's hard to pick a good gift.

The struggle is real.

Sure, you could buy another tool set, but that shows you are thinking about, well, you...instead of HIM. Unless a tool set is on his wish list and he specifically asks for it (in which case you should RUN to the tool store), the best gift isn't something you found by Googling "gift guide for husbands."

A thoughtful gift should:

. demonstrate appreciation for him over convenience to you (yes, that does mean that instead of buying jumper cables, suggesting that his only role is to rescue you on the side of the road, you buy something he wants), and

2. let him know that you understand him beyond his work life and truly get the special something that creates joy for him.

The answer to the question of what to give, dear ladies, is that your Christmas gift to your husband really depends on what he enjoys, rather than what he does.

For the man who needs an escape from the office, instead of getting the perfect work bag, pick up a travel bag and a travel notebook for a weekend getaway.

If you are married to the kind of guy who loves the great outdoors, switch out the usual flannel shirt for an upgraded tent, a fancy telescope, or a romantic fire pit.

For the slightly geeky sort of guy, consider a top-of-the-line Surface Pro 4 tablet, a gravity-defining bluetooth speaker, or the voice-controlled Amazon Echo for the home.

Is your boyfriend a bit unusual? Consider a unique musical instrument or a Kindle Paperwhite.

Have a gamer? An Xbox One is a great gift. Don't forget the Xbox LIVE account.

So I know you are wondering what I am getting for my husband this year.

Obviously, I can't tell you, as he reads my blog. But he is a gamer, so last year, I got him these wife-cancelling headphones for gaming.

Seriously, with these on, he cannot hear a single thing that I say. He seems to love them. Hmmph!


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  1. Hi! Thanks for linking up with my No Rules Weekend Blog Party! Hope you had a great Thanksgiving.

    You have some great gift the gravity defying Bluetooth speaker.

  2. Oh my goodness, my husband would LOVE me if I got him a fire pit. I've been stumped over what to get him this year, and these are great suggestions!

  3. First: seriously adorable photo. Second: Fire pit!! Our dream is to build one but I'm liking this one

  4. My Mister has a pair of headphones that weren't really sold as noise cancelling, but they seem to do the job super well, ha! He loves them, though, and are perfect for gaming, as the microphone is detachable, and they are comfortable enough to wear for hours at a time. You know, for games and watching YouTube or Twitch or...well, listening to anything but me yammer on at him about who-knows-what xD

  5. Wow, Giftie! Thank you for pointing out what should have been obvious to me.

    Hubby has an Xbox and an XBox1, so as his stocking stuffer, I got him a gift card to buy the new games of his choice.

    His big gift this year is a new recliner for his man cave. No, he does not know about that and it will be delivered to our son's house so our son can bring it over early on Christmas morning...

    I got him some new tee shirts with logos for the teams he likes; four pair of new jeans, a wind breaker jacket and matching ball cap, too.

    Yes, I enjoy spoiling hubby. After 49 years, we are still madly in love...

    Diane in the desert

  6. I usually try to make a Christmas present something "Just for fun" for him, because the rest of the year we just buy practical, useful stuff. This year, I'm going to get him this funny kind of skateboard that he's always eyeing at the toy store. Sure, he's in his 30s but that kind of stuff is very happy for him, he loves anything athletic.

  7. Definitely the travel bag. Don't know why I didn't think of it myself!

  8. My hubby is not the tool kind of guy anyway, so me getting him tools wouldn't happen anyway. Faith is a big part of our family. This year I was able to find him something to last all year...Faithbox. I had never heard of them before but it is cool that he will be able to get a new box of things to help with his faith all year long. Plus, every box that gets sent out, provides 3 meals for the hungry! Love that it is helping not just my hubby but others as well.

  9. I love this husband focused, male uplifting gift giving guide! Good Job!

  10. I like the idea of the wife cancelling headphones... is there one that cancels the kids?

  11. What a great post! So many great gift ideas...thank you! Many blessings to you and your husband!

  12. Great ideas, thank you!
    And Thank you for sharing this over at the Holidays Celebration Link Party! Your post has been pinned to the party's Pinterest board (

  13. A great list! Husbands to typically get the gift that will help the wife out in the end. It is time to treat them with something that they will enjoy!
    Thank you for bringing your list to the December Country Fair Blog Party!
    Laurie - Country Link


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