Wednesday, November 25, 2015

What to Plan in a Planner

People ask me constantly, "what do you even put in a planner?"

Well, lots of stuff.

plan, plans, planner, planners, planner content, planner and coffee, coffee and planners

Right now, since I'm writing this the weekend before Thanksgiving, I'm planning my Thanksgiving menu and my grocery list.

As a blogger, I have a list of blog ideas and more You Tube videos to record, like this one about Christmas planning and this one about planning for waiting times.

I keep track of my daily tasks and chores - taking my medication, cleaning the house, and doing the laundry.

If you get Xs instead of check marks on laundry for several days, do you know what happens? I do! 

You go commando. Eek. 40 year old women, like me, probably ought to never go commando. My chart reminds me that my shame is my own fault!

I schedule doctor's appointments, play dates, and exercise. I track my workouts.

I list errands and make a to do list. Right now, I need to go to the tailor and to get my hair cut. I also need to make Christmas gift lists, send out Cub Scout popcorn, mail a package, make two phone calls, and air up my tires.

I keep a list of things owed (like owing my sister money for a gift she bought on my behalf) and medications that I take.

I put in reminders to clean the choir robes before Sunday Mass, refill my prescriptions, and take out the trash on Tuesdays.

I jot down ideas for my novels, things that need to be done around the house, and the location of that stupid Shelf Elf.

(This is where I insert a rant about how annoying that creepy little creature is, but since it's MY OWN FAULT, I'll spare you. To be fair, you already had to read about The Commando Incident.)

The possibilities for how to use a planner are endless. These are just my examples from this week!

If you want more ideas about how to use your planner, subscribe to my email list (in the right sidebar).


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Partied at: Coffee and Conversation, It's a Party, Thursday Favorite Things, Pierced Pastimes, Saturday Sharefest, Reasons to Skip the Housework, Share the Wealth, Small Victories Sunday, Inspiration Monday, Manic Monday, Motivation Monday, Inspire Me Monday, Mommy Monday, Mix It Up Monday, Art of Homemaking, Wow Us Wednesdays, Hit Me With Your Best Shot, Creative Muster, Let's Be Friends, Wake Up Wednesday, Wonderful Wednesday, Wednesday Showcase, Link It To Me


  1. Oh, the blasted Elf On A Shelf - lol! I've seen photos on Pinterest of some very creative places. And some disturbing ones!

    As for what goes in my planner - I start with what I don't want to go in it and work backwards. I have a personal journal for deep, private stuff, a scripture journal for my study and set up notebooks in OneNote (which I can also access from my phone if I do need it) for reference stuff I don't need to tote with me like budget, insurance policy info, utility contact #s, rewards cards, etc.

    Everything else is potential planner fodder!

    Thanks Kristy and have a great Thanksgiving!

  2. That elf is creepy. So glad I do not know anyone in real life who is young enough to want to have one of those!
    Also, hoping your Thanksgiving shopping was successful. I went Monday morning (like usual) and thank goodness, the experience went as normal. Probably because everyone was running late as we had an unexpected freeze overnight and everyone had to thaw their cars out xD

  3. I do not understand when people ask me what I use my planner for, but I have given up trying to explain. However, since I am among plannerds here, I will. I use mine for appointments, blog ideas, my daughters driving log, my daughters sweet 16 planning, Christmas planning, Goals, bill dates, Fitness, and the notes and outline for my novel.

  4. I have to admit I was glad my kids were too old by the time The Elf on the Shelf became popular. I love the idea of a planner, and keep reading because one day I will use one, but so far I haven't and live vicariously through you. ;)

  5. Ohmygosh the commando/laundry tracking was hysterical!! The Elf on the shelf drives me crazy. My girls are too young to know about it, but I also have intentionally tried to keep the focus on the real meaning of the Christmas season. Celebrating Jesus while spending time with family! CC

  6. I love to write everything down & plan! - but not a fan of elf on the shelf! Have a great week :)

  7. I can't imagine not having a planner and am always a little surprised when people ask mecwaht I write in there.

  8. I don't have a planner perse but I do write my goals down. I also have grateful journal. I love using journals. Reading this I think I could use a planner. :)

  9. Great post! I love the idea of a planner but am always at a loss as to what goes into one! Now my problem is solved! Thanks for sharing.

  10. Great list! I say that a planner is the place to keep everything organized - calendar, to-do lists, shopping lists, school schedules, doctor's appointments... How can you not use a planner?


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