Sunday, December 6, 2015

Christmas Gifts for People Who Are Impossible to Please

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I'm about to talk about a hypothetical person. (If you are reading this, this post is not about you. we are clear. Not you. Someone else. OBVIOUSLY.)

It's about people who make it IMPOSSIBLE to give them a decent gift. You know THOSE PEOPLE.

The "do you have a gift receipt?" people. Eye roll.

The "oh, how nice" people whose faces look like they are eating cow doo doo while they unwrap the gift. Bless their hearts.

The kid who says, "thank you. My mom says I have to say that even if I hate the gift." Sigh.

You know those people.

impossible to please; gift recipient; gift guide

I have ideas for gifts for those impossible to please people.


Have you considered the fun look on their faces when you give them an ugly fish bird feeder

Worth it!

Giving this tell it like it is coffee cup to your father-in-law might be risky, but I bet this t-shirt is an instant hit!

A voice changer is perfect for anyone who likes to hear themselves talk.

Urine detector, anyone? If your recipient has a pet, maybe this is appropriate. If not...still appropriate?

Who can object to a simple photo album? Go ahead and fill it with beautiful pictures of you and your family. If you slip in a couple of horrible pictures of the recipient, I promise not to tell!


For the truly grumpy person in your life, consider these adorable notebooks.

This will be happening at my house this holiday season. 

(Not that anyone in my house is one of THOSE PEOPLE, of course. I wouldn't want to imply that this post is about my husband somebody I live with you. We're cool, right?)

If your grumpus keeps cash in a secret place in the house, consider copper book boxes. They are pretty and give practical, secret storage on a bookshelf.


On a more serious note, this vegetable spaghetti maker is nice for a mother-in-law or your vegetarian cousin. This fruit-infuser water bottle would be great for anyone who works out regularly (or plans to start).


Fill a bamboo tray with a bottle of wine and a couple of glasses, a simple tea or coffee service, or a variety of cheeses and jams for a delightful gift. For your niece, put a hairbrush, some scented hand cream, and a small mirror.

A handcrafted copper mail box looks expensive and is a great little storage container on any wall, not just for mail delivery.

This chalkboard globe is really fun, thoughtful, and perfect for a unique individual. For an aunt or a grandparent, personalize it by having your kid draw the Earth (as they see it) on the globe first.

For females in your life, this tote bag is beautiful.

If all else fails, everybody loves chocolate covered bacon. Or they don't, and you get to eat it. Win/win!

Now, everyone cross your fingers and say your prayers that The Loki doesn't choose this Christmas to announce, "thank you. My mom says I need to say thanks even if I get granny underwear."

If you are looking for even more great gift ideas, feel free to check out one of these gift guides:

Gifts for Men


If you enjoy what you read at Giftie Etcetera, please share on social media. Click here to join the Giftie Etcetera Facebook group.

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Featured at: You're Gonna Love It


  1. What great gift ideas! I have one of those people on my gift list, my husband :) So I can definitely see me looking into some of these gifts. Thanks for sharing.

  2. I am married to one of "those people" hehe :)
    I love your two gift suggestions for healthy people! I'd love to receive both of those!

  3. Love the grumpy notebooks! My dh may be getting a grumpy kitty t-shirt this year. ;)

  4. I like the obnoxious gift idea. I'm definitely keeping that in mind. That way at least I'll be amused. The closest I've come so far is when my FIL made a negative comment about my hand knit dish cloths. I always do them in the car, and give them to pretty much everyone. He let me know that they didn't need anymore (and not in the nicest way.) So for Christmas that year, he got to open a stack of dishcloths. He was a good sport about it. We also hd the real present that we pulled out later. :)

  5. We all have a few of "those people" in our family...
    Thank you for linking up to the Holidays Celebration Link Party! Your post has been pinned to the party's Pinterest board ( Feel free to link up other posts too, and stay tuned for the features on Friday!

  6. I love the grumpy old man stuff which is perfect for my hubby, lol. I also think the pet urine detector would come in handy for mums potty training little ones. Thank you for sharing on #overthemoon ,have a great week.

  7. I am almost done with my gift shopping thank goodness. I still have that one person to buy for and it is difficult. thanks for the suggestions.

  8. Thanks for sharing and Thanks for joining in on the link up! xo


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