Sunday, December 13, 2015

Smart Organizing Logic From My Younger Self

Back in 2012, I wrote about organizing.

Not much has changed.

woman with glasses; lawyer; professional organizer

You can read the flashback post here.

I do clean with white vinegar now, but I mix it with dish soap and water. I realized that it is cheaper, better environmentally, and the yucky smell dissipates quickly.

I no longer own a Palm Pilot. I used to run my entire law firm on that thing. But I missed writing on paper, even with my Palm. Smart phones just aren't the same for me.

I still don't sort Legos. (You know that, right?)

I also noticed that I flirted with a potty mouth back then. No comment on how that is going these days.


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  1. The combination of paper planner and Palm, were my planner nirvana.

  2. I still have a notebook. In fact, I have it open in front of me now while I write on my laptop and am plugged into my phone. I need techno but i can't do without pen and pretty paper.

  3. My planner is where everything goes before it goes to the cell or the laptop. why? Because when I started using a planner, there were no electronics, so everything went into the planner first, then I worked on my plan and my schedule. It just seems so logical to me... It may not be that way for others, but, in my experience, each of us comes to our preferred method via the experiences we have had that came out of our mistakes and mis-steps.

    Dianne in the desert

  4. I love paper and I have a love of nice pens so I often put pen to paper. Thank you for sharing your thoughts on #overthemoon


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