Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Top Ten Planner Posts of the Year: Post # 3

Using a schedule in a planner? Check out the #3 Giftie Top Ten post.

schedule, one note

Take some time and read these information-packed posts again before setting up your planner for the new year.

10. Take Control of Your Planner Pages

9. Tricks for Never Ever Forgetting to Use Your Planner

8. 10 Essential Sections to Transform Your Daily Plan

7. Things I Never Do in My Planner

6. Organizing a Planner By Adding a Projects Section

5. Beyond the Usual: New Ways to Write in a Planner

4. 7 Things You Aren't Writing in Your Planner, But Should Be Writing Down

And the newest of the Top Ten:

3. 5 Ways to Write a Schedule in a Planner

More of the top ten coming tomorrow!

If you haven't purchased a planner for the new year yet, here are some great ideas!

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Partied at: What's Hap-pining Wednesday, A Little R and R, Think Tank Thursday, Showcase Your Talent Thursday, Idea Box Thursday

1 comment:

  1. WOW! You have so much here! I'm going to check out all your links! I just checked out your post on what you never do in your planner. I like that! I think its a great idea if something is planned on line, ... to keep it that way,...and just put the deadlines in your paper planner. Lots to read! Thank you!


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