Saturday, December 26, 2015

Top Ten Planner Posts of the Year: Post # 6

If you don't read any other post that I ever write, read the one that is in position #6 of my Top Ten Planner posts of the year. 

And read it BEFORE you set up your planner for the new year!

It's my favorite post, even if it's not the most viral.

Throughout the rest of the year, I'll add to the countdown.

planner, project, project management

Take some time and read these information-packed posts again before setting up your planner for the new year.

10. Take Control of Your Planner Pages

9. Tricks for Never Ever Forgetting to Use Your Planner

8. 10 Essential Sections to Transform Your Daily Plan

7. Things I Never Do in My Planner

And the newest of the Top Ten:

6. Organizing a Planner By Adding a Projects Section 

More of the top ten coming soon. Subscribe by e-mail (in the right sidebar) and never miss a post again.


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