Saturday, January 23, 2016

How to Use the Internet Like a Pro

If you are reading this, you are probably either a blogger or a Loyal Reader of my planner posts. 

Like me, you probably try to be smart about the internet and how you use it, either to promote your blog or to manage your life.

blogger, bloggers, chrome, chrome extensions

But for a long time, I wasn't that smart. 

Oh, I am internet savvy. Gifted, maybe, in the ways of order and using technology - luddite and computer technology - in ways that only one who calls herself Giftie can be.

"I am very smart. I went to the best Medacad in Osiris, top three percent of my class, finished my internship in eight months. 'Gifted' is the term. So when I tell you that my little sister makes me look like an idiot child, I want you to understand my full meaning. River was more than gifted. She... she was a gift. Everything she did, music, math, theoretical physics - even-even dance - there was nothing that didn't come as naturally to her as breathing does to us." Simon, Firefly

Sure, I figured out ways to use Chrome, my internet browser of choice, to organize link parties

But if I needed to set a timer for my kid to get his chores done or for me to focus on writing content, I had to open the timer on my desktop.

Calculating blog income for the year? I'd open the calculator app.

Editing a blog post? Copy and paste to Word or use Livewriter.

Dumb, dumb, dumb. All those extra steps take time - time that I don't have.

I've changed that dumb thinking, though, and my solution is so simple. 

I visited Chrome Extensions and downloaded extensions that do the bloggy things and the mommy things that were taking up so much time.

CAVEAT: Don't download too many extensions. It can slow down your blogging. Just choose the ones that work for you.

I currently have the extensions in the picture, including Grammarly (green arrow), Calculator (blue arrow) and Timer (red arrow).

Go browse Chrome Extensions and decide which ones with help your blogging or your life. I particularly love Grammerly for spotting typos when I draft blogs.

I hope exploring extensions helps you be a better blogger. For more great information for bloggers, visit:

A Blogger's Guide to Rocking Facebook in Under 5 Minutes

Take Your Blog From Cookie Cutter to Fabulous

3 Shortcuts for Writing a Blog Post Faster

How I Earned a Threefold Increase in Blog Income

If you are new to Giftie Etcetera, consider reading this post to find out how to put your life in order with a planner.

And if you find yourself wanting to read even more, sign up for my e-mail list on the right sidebar.

(Notice that I don't use pesky pop-ups or annoying tricks to get you on the mailing list. I also don't send you anything in your e-mail other than a note that the newest blog post is ready. I promise!)


If you enjoy what you read at Giftie Etcetera, please share on social media. Click here to join the Giftie Etcetera Facebook group.

Partied at: Fridays Five Features, Sharing Saturday, Saturday Sharefest, Saturday Sparks, My Favorite Things, Small Victories Sunday, Share the Wealth, Happiness Is Homemade, Making Your Home Sing Monday, Over the Moon, Mommy Monday, Monday Madness, Motivation Monday, Inspiration Monday, Mix It Up Monday, Manic Mondays


  1. Yay for the Firefly quote! Browncoats unite!

  2. Thanks for sharing. I use Chrome so now I need to go make my life easier.

  3. I had no idea there was a timer extension. That's definitely one I could use. Thanks for the great tip!

  4. I love Grammarly. I did not know about the timer or calculator. I will definitely be checking out the Chrome extensions. Thanks for the tips!

  5. So where have you been all my blogging life? LOL This post is fabulously valuable. Pinned it to my Blogging Tips board but this one gets Stumbled too! There are lots of people who will be so glad that they found it. follow all of your social media!
    Sinea from Ducks 'n a Row


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