Sunday, January 3, 2016

The First 20 Minutes of Your Day

How well do you use the first 20 minutes of your day?

planner, planners, planner spread

In today's flashback to a classic Giftie post, I encourage you to explore How to Use the First 20 Minutes of the Day to Be More Productive.

Some suggestions:

*Start a load of laundry.

*Plan dinner and pull out anything that needs to defrost.

*Check your planner for must dos.

*Grab anything you need for errands to toss in an errands tote or any files that you need for meetings.

*If time permits, sweep around the room straightening up anything from the night before.

How do you like to jump start your productivity in the wee hours of your day?


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Partied at: Making Your Home Sing, I Should Be Mopping the Floor, Motivation Monday, Mommy Monday, Mix It Up Monday, Wow Us Wednesday, Creative Muster, The Wednesday Showcase, Let's Be Friends, Wake Up Wednesday, Not Just Homemaking, Wonderful Wednesday, Coffee and Conversation, Think Tank Thursday, A Creative Princess, Thursday Favorite Things, Home Matters, Friday's Five Features, Funtastic Friday, Pretty Pintastic, Awesome Life Friday, Friday Features, Best of the Weekend, Share It One More Time, Saturday Sharefest, Saturday Sparks, Meet Up Monday, Art of Homemaking, Monday's Musings, Something to Talk About, Over the Moon, Good Morning MondaysAmaze Me Monday, What'd You Do This WeekendInspiration Spotlight

Features at: Motivation Monday 


  1. Hello from the Mommy Monday Blog Hop. My first 20 minutes every morning is to get myself ready before anyone else awakens and needs me. I always tell young moms, give yourself the uninterrupted time in the morning before everyone wakes up because you most likely won't have it any other time during the day. By evening, you are so tired, you won't want to do anything but veg. Great ideas here.

  2. I spend the first 20 minutes thinking about the day ahead and what I would like to accomplish. What needs to get done at work, what is the workout for the day, and devotions / meditation

  3. Michelle, I remember those days and that is a great goal. But I'm pretty sure my toddlers had spidey sense. "Moms about to wake up. Hurry! Let's beat her to it." :)

    Tanya, if that helps you focus, I applaud it! We have to do what works for us.

  4. I get ready in peace before my husband wakes up. I get up 15 minutes before he does.

  5. I'm supposed to get to work by 5:00 a.m. so I get up at 3:30 a.m. I can't really get up any earlier to get more done, so I'm trying to squeeze in a 5 min kickstarter routine.

    I'm trying to do a quick 2 min exercise routine of pushups, crunches and squats. It's enough to get my heart rate up. Then I do 3 minutes of meditation.

  6. Inner Prop - When I used to work really early, I made it 20 minutes after I 1) got home and 2) rested for 15 minutes. :)

  7. I like to write my To-Do list the night before so that when I wake up and pray, I can hit the ground running. I try to make my bed as soon as I get up. When I'm working from home, I try to get dressed as though I am heading out - otherwise, I could lounge around in pajamas being unproductive for hours.

  8. The first 20 minutes is important as it can set the tone of your entire day! I like to stretch as soon as I get up to wake up my muscles and let the blood flow in my body. :)

  9. I ditto what Michelle said, I get up far earlier than I really need to be, because I do need those extra minutes to myself in the morning to fully wake up and have some "me" time.

  10. My babies are early birds waking before me so my first 20 minutes are spent on their needs. thanks for the reminder that I need to get up earlier!

  11. These are AWESOME tips! Thank you for sharing on Meetup Monday!

  12. These things all sound wonderful but I would have to change the post to say "The First 20 Minutes of Your Day After that Cup of Coffee" :)

    Thank you for sharing your helpful posts on the Art of Home-Making Mondays at Strangers & Pilgrims on Earth! :)

  13. I spend the first 20 minutes of my day usually in the shower, where I do my best thinking. ;) Thanks for sharing your post at the Over the Moon Link Party.


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