Friday, January 1, 2016

Top Ten Planner Posts of the Year

If you are bookmarking and sharing a single Giftie post, this is THE ONE!

planner, planners, plans

The Top Ten Giftie Planner Posts of the Year

10. Take Control of Your Planner Pages

9. Tricks for Never Ever Forgetting to Use Your Planner

8. 10 Essential Sections to Transform Your Daily Plan

7. Things I Never Do in My Planner

6. Organizing a Planner By Adding a Projects Section

5. Beyond the Usual: New Ways to Write in a Planner

4. 7 Things You Aren't Writing in Your Planner, But Should Be Writing Down

3. 5 Ways to Write a Schedule in a Planner

2. Planner Basics 101

1. 5 Essential Sections That Every Planner Needs

If you haven't purchased a planner for the new year yet, here are some great ideas!

Subscribe by e-mail (in the right sidebar) and never miss a post in the new year. 


If you enjoy what you read at Giftie Etcetera, please share on social media. Click here to join the Giftie Etcetera Facebook group.

Partied at: Blogger's Pit Stop, Weekend Blog Hop, The Weekend Blog Hop, Friday Features, Saturday Sparks, Saturday Sharefest, Reasons to Skip the Housework, Favorite Things, Share the Wealth, Making Your Home Sing, I Should Be Mopping the Floor, Motivation Monday. Mommy Monday, Mix It Up Monday, Meetup Monday, Art of Home-making Mondays, Best of 2015, Over the Moon, Monday Musings, Something to Talk About, Amaze Me Monday, What'd You Do This Weekend, Tuesdays at Our Home, Turn It Up Tuesday, Faith Filled Parenting, You're Gonna Love It Tuesday, Tuesdays With a Twist, Tutorial Tuesday, Homework, Think Tank Thursday, A Creative Princess, Thursday Favorite Things, 5 Minutes for Mom


  1. That is all very interesting, you have it covered. Thanks for bringing this to the Blogger's Pit Stop

  2. Thanks for this! I am so bad about keeping up with my planner. I have good intentions every year, yet by March they have all gone out the window. I won a lovely Kate Spade planner this year and I really want to make use of it. Pinning this so I can refer to it later. Happy New Year!

  3. I need to figure out what I want to do for a planner this year... so I'll be checking out these posts! Thanks for putting them all in one place :)

  4. Thanks for the recap and for posting every week at My Flagstaff Home!


  5. Thanks for the recap. Looking forward to more great posts this year :)

  6. totally rely on my planner with every aspect of home and life without it I do not know where I would be and I would be o disorganized
    come see us at

  7. You are so right this is the post to bookmark. I love planners and you have covered it well. Thanks for sharing on #overthemoon


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