Monday, February 1, 2016

Improving Your Life By Tweaking Your Planner

If you haven't read about how I set up my goals in January, you might want a quick review.

planner, goals, goals chart

For the new month, I've changed two tiny things that will make a difference.

That's the secret to why I use a ring planner binder, you know. Sometimes, I need a change.

When making February's daily goal tracking sheet, I updated these two details.

1.Put self-care before household care in the order of the checklist.

It's about time that I put me first. I'll also added cooking to the list of taking meds, working out, journaling, prepping for tomorrow, blogging, a 15-minute quick clean of the house, laundry, and dishes.

2. Put the goals list on the dashboard of the planner, right up front, instead of in the projects section.

I realized that taking care of me, and then my family, is the most important thing that I do.

It's not a project. It's THE project.

That sounds selfish, but as a natural caretaker, I was cheating my family by not putting my well-being first for a while. If you naturally care for you and ignore your family, feel free to reverse that!


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Partied at: The Planner Experience


  1. Very good idea. My current weekly spread has a built in check list which I think would be perfect for this - for me.

  2. I've done the same thing with my goals. I have the monthly goals on a card and move it around as needed so I can see it every day.

  3. I am really bad about putting my needs last. Until lately I haven't put myself first but I can see the logic in taking my care and needs into consideration


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